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While we were eating ice cream and Goten was explaining his bad dream, Goku came down yawning and looking at you guys sleepily. “h-huh..? What are you guys-” then he noticed the ice cream containers. “you guys had ice cream without me??” he asked. Then I sighed, got up, and walked to the freezer. “G-goku, here. I know its not alot, but I'll go shopping tomorrow, okay?” I said making him look in the freezer. “no, (Y/n). Its okay, you already sacrificed enough for me.” he said laughing. Then I giggled then clapped. Suddenly, a drawer oopened. Showing a bunch of ice cream. Favors you didn't know existed! Cotton candy, bubblegum, cheesecake, banana! (Really quickly I just wanna say it. There's a cheese flavored ice cream. I tried it and it's really good!) Goku looked at me surprised. He looked at the ice cream, then me. Then the ice cream. It was a repeated thing he did. Until I grabbed the chocolate ice cream and shoved some in his mouth. That made his stop. Then, I said, “tomorrow is family shopping. Wake me up, okay?” Then I fell on the couch. Already dosing off, I feel (p/n) on me. Before I could move, she layed down on me. 'Oh shit... It's by law I let (p/n) lay on me because I love them too much!!' I thought to myself. Then, I just fell asleep.

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