Whispers: Chapter 1

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I woke up and ran to my bathroom. I hurled last nights dinner. This is how most of my mornings start. I don't know why but I just seem to throw up everything I eat. I got used to it in the past few years, it started in the middle of freshman year. Anyways I have long wavy dark brown hair, that match my coffee colored eyes and Im around 5'4. My name is Brittany, Oh and I'm 17 years old my birthday is in about a month. Which means that my parents are coming for a short visit soon. My mother and father are normally always out on business trips. They do come home at least 3 or 4 times a year, around every four months.

I stay home because of school, see I grew up in the town of Lieben , it is a very woodsy place. My parents chose a house for us in the middle of the woods, I honestly don't know why but they said it was so growing up I could play outside. Which I believe because growing up I always loved being out in the woods. I loved always running and the feel of the wind in my hair. That all changed however when I entered high school and when my parents started leaving a lot.

I don't mind being alone, in fact I love that there are like no people ever near my house the only thing that sucks about being a drive away from town is that I have to drive to school and work a lot. I work in a local coffee shop, which my friend Melissa's mother owns. Melissa is my best friend, we've known each other since diapers. We met in the play ground when I was on the swing that she wanted to ride on she pushed me off and took it from me. I pushed her off of the swing afterwards and ever since then we've been besties.

In school Im known as the good girl legit. I have dated before its just the fact that I don't really like the guys at my school. There always to annoying to even make me look, there just low life trash sometimes. Not to be to mean which I probably am starting to sound like a spoiled brat but i've just grown tired of the people here not changing like at all.

After my wake up call... haha, I jumped into the shower washing my hair with my strawberry scented shampoo. I got into strawberries because of my other childhood best friend Cameron, unfortunately he moved sometime around when I started my problem. At first I thought it was because of his move but thats just nonsense. The only person who knows about it is Mel. After my shower I went to my room and grabbed a black long sleeved loose shirt, with shorts and a black belt to match. I put on some bracelets to accessories, and I brushed my hair as I dried it with my pink and black blow-drier.

After doing my hair I went and got my bag ready for school because today is my first day of senior year. Which I think will be fun with my partner in crime Mel. Melissa is one of the populars as some people say, its not because she's a hoe. Trust me Mel's awesome in every way, she knows how to get someone's attention easily and can very simply talk to anyone. She's great at it, She's even lucky to be president for a second year running, which is a record at our school. After putting on a bit of mascara and eyeliner I grabbed my now ready bag and went downstairs after grabbing my cellphone and ipod.

I skipped breakfast knowing that I would just have to hurl it once I got to school. I walked out my door with my keys in hand after grabbing a black thin jacket. If you haven't noticed by now I love the color black, I think it goes good with everything. That why my car is black also, I have a volkswagen jetta. I walked to my baby and got in starting the ignition and backing out of my driveway. I turned on the radio as the song 'Wide awake' by Kay Perry came on. I drove down the deserted road that leads to town and though 'Today might actually be a good day'

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