Chapter 1

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Queen Emerald meets Jack Jones

Today queen will go to a new school. She was really exited to see her new school and get new friends there. Queen went down stairs to eat breakfast with her grandfather silver heart. When she was done she wore her new school uniform that her grandpa bot for her. When she was done wearing her school uniform she went out of her house and ran to her new school. When she was at the school she was surprise seeing her school. Queen went inside the school then a girl name rose went to her.

Rose: Hi there are you new here

Queen: Oh yes I am

Rose: what's your name?

Queen: My name is Queen Emerald but you can just call me Queen

Rose: I'm Rose nice to meet you Queen

Queen: Its nice to meet you too Rose

Rose: Follow me I will show you your classroom

Queen: Okay and thank you

Rose: You're welcome!

Queen follows rose to her classroom. When they arrived rose introduced queen to her classmates.

Rose: Guys this is queen she is new here

Queen: Hi everyone

Everyone: Hi Queen

Queen: *smiles*

Rose: How about you sit with me Queen

Queen: Okay!

Queen sited next to rose on her right-side siting at her left side was her twin brother shadow/cyan.

Rose: Oh I like you my twin brother Cyan.

Queen: Hi there I'm Queen

Cyan: Hi you must be new here right?

Queen: Yup

Cyan: So Rose is she your new friend?

Rose: Yup

Cyan: That's nice

The bell rang

Teacher: Good morning class!

Everyone: Good morning teacher!

There class started. They're first subject was math then they're next subject was science then it was snacktime. Queen, Rose and Cyan went to the canteen to get some snacks. Queen, Rose and Cyan sited down then a boy name joker called cyan.

Jack: Hey Cyan *waving*

Queen: Rose who's that guy

Rose: That's Jack our friend and classmate

Queen: Ohhhhh okay!

Jack: Hi Cyan hi Rose

Cyan and Rose: Hi Jack

Jack: *looks at queen* Rose who is she?

Rose: This is Queen she is new here

Queen: Hi there

Joker: Hi my name is Jack Jones

Queen: Nice to meet you Jack *smiles at joker*

Jack: *smiles back at Queen*

Queen: How about we meet at the cafeteria during lunch

Jack: Sure

The bell rang

All the students went back to there classroom. When Queen, Rose, Cyan and Jack was in there classroom they sited down at there sit.

Teacher: Queen since your new here how about you sit next to Jack

Queen sited next to Jack

Queen: Hi Jack

Jack: Hi Queen

There class started. There subject was english then the next one was history. Then the bell rang for lunch time. Queen, Jack, Rose and Cyan went together to the cafeteria to eat. When they we're done eating they went back to their classroom. Queen and Jack were just talking at there sit.

Jack: Hey Queen

Queen: What is it Jack?

Jack: Can we be friends?

Queen: Of course we can

Jack: Yay thank you Queen

Queen: *giggles* you're welcome Jack!

Then the bell rang. When they're class was over Jack and Queen went out together and Jack ask something to Queen.

Jack: Hey Queen can you help me do my history homework I don't really understand it

Queen: Okay!

Jack: Great come to my house okay

Queen: Okay see you there

Jack: Okay bye Queen

Queen: Bye Jack

Jack and Queen went home. Queen ask her grandfather that she will go to Jack's house to help joker do his history homework together. Queen's grandfather accept it. Queen walked all the way to Jack's house. When she was at joker's house she knocked at the door.

*knock knock*

Jack: Comeing *opens door* hey Queen come on in

Queen: Thank you joker

Jack and Queen went to the table to start there history homework. When they where done doing there history homework they went to the living room to watch a movie. When the movie ended queen has fallen asleep Jack woke up Queen.

Jack: Queen wake up

Queen: *slowly opens her eyes* huh!

Jack: Its time for you to go home

Queen: Okay! *rubs her eyes*

Queen was a little bit sleepy so Jack toke Queen home. When queen was at her house joker said good bye to Queen.

Jack: Good night queen

Queen: Good night Jack and thanks

Jack went back to his house. When he was at his house he went to his room and fallen asleep and while his sleeping he was smiling.


If there are wrong spellings and wrong grammar then please forgive me this is my first story and I hope all of you guys enjoy reading this bye for now.

Friends To Lovers (Kaitou Joker x Diamond Queen)Where stories live. Discover now