Chapter 1

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I love music a lot, but I hate it when my alarm clock plays the same music every day 6 in morning. I opened my eyes hoping at least this day of life is interesting like it was 19 years before. I really don't hate my life. I just got bored of my perfect life. I am a 37 years old housewife who got married at age of 18. Yes, it was an arranged marriage as I belong to orthodox family of south India. I usually feel that I was so young to get married as I didn't explore this world to fullest.

I saw my husband sleeping peacefully next to me. He is so handsome no one will believe that last month only we celebrated his 40th birthday. I love him very much even though he is very silent and workaholic husband. I never asked him that whether he loves me or not because I know the answer. He never got angry on me even thought I do some crazy and weird things to annoy him. This person needs an award for being with me for these many years without complaining. The alarm clock rang again now it is 6:15.

I nudged my husband's shoulder with my elbow to wake him up. I went near his ear and said "Aravind wake up or else I will pour water in your office document again".

He opened his eyes and said "not again Pallavi. I will get ready".

I smiled and went to our son's room. I shouted "Ajay wake up. You have college today. You have to get ready". With my full energy I dragged he out of bed and pushed him inside bathroom.

He shouted "This is not fair. I hate you" from his room.

I also shouted "Mutual feeling son. Now get ready fast." from kitchen.

I prepared breakfast within half an hour. I made bread and omelet for three of us. For Aravind I made coffee. For Ajay I made banana milkshake and I made lemonade for myself. Both of them came to dining table. I served them their respective breakfast. I also started to have my food. Both father and son do not communicate with each other. They just keep quiet every time in each other presence. I hate it I want both of them to be friendly like other father and son. Aravind is busy with his office papers and Ajay was busy with his phone. I used to talk while having food and to engage them in conversation. Unfortunately I always face failure. After having breakfast Aravind went to office and ajay went to college.

I have to clean vessels, do laundry and clean house. My half day will go in routine house chores and other half day goes in embroidery work and usual TV shows. I love to comment TV shows loudly when no one is there in home because no one cares. I prepare dinner before both of them reach home. Both will come nearly at 8 pm. It's already 8:34pm

I asked both of them "shall I serve dinner now?" Both of them said "Okay" in unison. Within 5 minutes I stared to serve the food in their plates as well as in my plate.

Aravind said "We are going to Andaman tomorrow so pack my luggage and yours also".

I got excited and asked "Wow for how many days?"

He replayed in not so interesting tone "It is a 2 to 3 days business trip".

We all had dinner in total silence because I was thinking about Andaman. After dinner Ajay came to kitchen and sat on kitchen slab. I was washing vessels. Aravind went to study room to do some office homework I guess. I asked Ajay "what do you want? Why are you staring at me?" with a suspicious tone. He said "I don't want anything and I am just happy to see your excited face. I think you are very happy to go to Andaman without your son" wiping his invisible tears.

I smiled and said "Yes I am happy to go without you. I also know you very well so don't act like you are not happy".

He made a puppy face and said "I will alone without you so can I invite some of my friends to home tomorrow in your absent".

I sarcastically said "As if you won't bring them if I say no".

He understood my words and said "Thank you mummy. I love you so much" by hugging me. I said "Whatever just remember rules and behave properly" in a strict tone.

I know that my son is a good boy he don't do anything bad but as a parent I have to be bit strict. I also know that he drink alcohol. He doesn't have any idea I know about his alcohol consumption. Other than that he does not have any bad habit. He does not have any girlfriend. I feel so bad for him. He left the kitchen as soon as his wish is fulfilled. Now I feel sad for me. Anyway finally I completed all my kitchen chores. I made turmeric milk for 3 of us.

I went to study room. Aravind is completely focused in his files. I think he didn't noticed me entering the room.

I placed the glass of turmeric milk on his desk near him and asked "still you didn't finish your homework".

He is still staring the documents and said "how many times I have to say its office work not homework".

I replied him with a smile saying "technically you are wrong. So I won't change myself. Anyway tomorrow at time you will come and pick me from home."

Finally he looked at me I feel so blessed, just kidding. He said "Tomorrow I have an important meeting in morning. We will leave at 3pm from home because out flight is at 5:30pm. I will be home with in 2:30".

I am happy that we both are going to Andaman. I said "good night" and left the room. I went to my room and finally fell into my beauty sleep.


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