we match hearts

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Darth Natsu hefted his lightsaber in his right hand, red sparks reflecting in the dark of his eyes. Nearby, Jedi Master Madeline's own sabers glowed pink, a stark contrast to the snow around them. The forest was still, sounds of battle raging far away.

"You're a fool if you think you can beat me," Natsu said, voice deepened by the mask that covered his scarred face. "Hundreds of other Jedi have fallen before me, and you'll be next."

Madeline said nothing, just charged forward, lightsabers swinging as clashed with Natsu. The low thrum of the sabers filled the air between them as he spun away, then parried her next thrust.

Their battle was a tumult of sparks and flying snow under the cool light of the planet's three suns. Madeline was ruthless, driving Natsu back further and further until he was cornered against a rock wall, breathing heavily.

"Surrender," Madeline said, knocking Natsu's lightsaber from his hand and kicking it away into the snow.

"Never," he growled, and Madeline stepped forward, holding both her sabers at his throat.

"Then you will die," she said.


"That's not very Jedi-ish, Miss Maddy," Natsu said, grinning and grabbing the paper towel rolls from his daughter's hands, then scooping her up into his arms. She giggled as he rubbed his stubble against her cheek. "I think we need to take you back to Tython to work on your training."

"Papi!" Maddy squealed, trying to escape from his arms. "You're a bad Sith!" Sting appeared in the doorway of the bedroom holding a toddler on his hip, and raised his eyebrows at the scene.

"Daddy!" Maddy squirmed out of Natsu's arms and ran over to Sting, hugging his leg. "Hi Rohan!"

The little boy stared at Maddy with wide eyes, then gave her a wide smile, reaching out his arms. Sting set him down on the floor and he immediately crawled over to Natsu.

"Did you beat up Pita?" Sting asked, crouching down to hug Maddy.

"Pita said I can't killed him," Maddy replied, pouting and wrapping her arms around Sting's neck.

"Well, I appreciate that," Sting said, looking over at Natsu. "I do happen to love Pita quite a bit."

"Only a fool would fall in love with someone as deadly as Darth Natsu," Natsu replied, grinning. Sting rolled his eyes, then tipped his head toward the kitchen.

"Papa's done making lunch, can the Sith and Jedi reconcile their differences long enough for grilled cheese?"

"Cheese!" Maddy shouted, darting past Sting into the living room. Natsu pushed himself to his feet, then picked up Rohan, who babbled and grabbed at Natsu's hair.

"Gentle," Natsu said, disentangling the sticky fingers as he and Sting made their way to the kitchen. Maddy was already up at the table, eagerly devouring her sandwich while Gray cut up some avocados for Rohan.

"Hey, handsome," Natsu said, leaning over and kissing Gray's cheek. "Are Rogue and Tamar back from piano lessons?" As soon as he asked, the front door opened and Maddy immediately jumped down from her chair, tearing through the living room and shouting Tamar's here!

"Good to know she loves me, too," Rogue remarked, coming into the kitchen and tossing his phone into the pile on the counter. "Hey, my darling," he said to Rohan, reaching out and taking him from Natsu.

Natsu slipped around behind Gray and wrapped his arms around Gray's waist, kissing the side of his neck as he arranged the food for Rohan on a plate.

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