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Marigold p.o.v
I woke up to see klaus gone and heard noise downstairs.I put on one of klaus' shirts and walked downstairs to see klaus cooking.Shirtless."What did you do?"Was the first thing I said to him."Well good morning to you too."He said sarcastically."What.Did.You.Do."I asked slowly."I can't just make a simple breakfast for the love of my life."He said looking at me."Aww thanks but I have known you for over a hundred years and you only cook when you've done something."I said accusingly."I can't keep a secret can I?"He asked more to himself."Nope."I said popping the 'p'.I walked up to him a gave him a kiss.Well more like a short make out session but whatever.
"Now what did you do."I asked knowing he would answer anything now."I sighed you up for school."He said in a daze then he snapped out of it."I hate it when you do that."He said shaking his head.I pouted innocently."Wait you did what!?!"I said looking at him angrily.He sighed."I was hoping it would've last longer."He said to himself.He know's I hate school just as much as I hate my own father."Fine I'll get over it but only just for you."I said crossing my arms.He looked at me shocked."What?Don't look at me like that ok...Nik seriously you're making me nervous."I said shifting under his stare."You know I'm not going to say anything."He said returning to cooking."Can I look through your drawing books?"I asked him playing with the edge of his shirt.He never let me look in them before but I was hoping things would change."Well since today is your birthday,I guess you could."He said smiling.I smiled and kissed his cheek before running upstairs and to where he kept his book.His drawings always fascinated me.I grabbed one of his books and flipped through the first page.It was one of his siblings.There was Rebekah,Elijah,Kol,Finn.I turned to the next page and it was of a girl and boy.
The boy had long black hair going a little past his shoulders and shining blue eyes while the girl had long black hair that went below the middle section of her back and brown eyes.They looked about 15.The boy and girl had their arms around each other and the boy was looking at the girl adoringly.I walked downstairs studying the picture,trying to figure out who they where."Nik who are they?"I asked quietly,looking up at him.He looked at the picture with sad eyes."Those are my younger siblings Henrik and Amelia."He said and I could tell this was a hard topic for him to discuss.I closed the book and hugged him."I'm sorry Nik."I said softly."It's ok.It was not your fault."He said grabbing the book from my hands.Well there goes my chance of ever seeing those again."If you don't mind me asking,what happened to them?"I asked curiously but sadly,ready to comfort him in any way.
"They loved each other very much.We took Amelia in when she was little and we all accepted her at one point or another,even Finn.Henrik accepted her more than others.The night before we were turned into vampires I took my brother,Henrik out to see the werewolves turn but he died that night and in the morning when Amelia saw his body.."Nik paused and I hugged him from behind."It's ok Nik.You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."I said putting my face in the crook of his neck.I had to stand on my tippy toes to do so."No it's ok Mari.Amelia went into the forest and someone stabbed her to death.She died in Rebekah's arms next to Henrik."He said sadly.He stopped cooking and turned around to face me.He hugged me and buried his face in my neck."Oh I'm so sorry."I said rubbing his back with my hand."It's nothing."He said shaking his head."Losing a sibling is always something Nik.No matter how hard you try to hide it you will always feel something.And besides I can see right through you."I said pulling back and pointing a finger at him sternly.
"I just can't hide anything from you can I?"Klaus asked his happy demeanor returning.He finished cooking and turned around to face me while wrapping his arms around my waist.I shook my head no."After spending a hundred years with you I can tell."I said with a smug smile."Oh really?"Klaus said smirking."Really I can tell what you're about to do."I answered."Really well can you tell know that I'm about to do this?"He says then captures me in a kiss taking me off guard but I immediately kissed back.When we pulled apart Nik looked at me questionably."Nope maybe next time I might know."I said trailing my fingers down his arms.God he was strong."Maybe next time you will be lucky."He says his arms tightening around my waist."How about we find out."I said wrapping my arms around his neck.It wasn't long before he had me up against the counter in a feverish but passionate kiss.Sadly the great moment had to come to an end.All because I had to go to school.Why Nik why did you have to sign me up."Nik I gotta go."I said pulling away from him."Aw just a few more minutes."Klaus said pouting."Your fault you signed me up."I said over my shoulder while walking up the stairs.I put my outfit I was going to where on the bed and took a shower dried off brushed my teeth a hair.I put on my outfit(picture on top) and walked downstairs giving Nik a quick kiss."Bye Nik."I said and rushed out the house.
I found the school and walked in.You might think that I'm going to be like any other vampire that goes to school and be bad and draw attention to themselves but that ain't me.I'm a good vampire.I drink from blood bags never animals or humans.I never killed anybody only hurt someone if I have to.I am basically the opposite of klaus but I will support his choices in any way I can.I never compel or use force.I found the office and went to the desk."Hello I'm Marigold.I was signed up yesterday."I said nervously."Of course Marigold Parker.You were signed in by a Nik Parker as a sister am I correct?"The lady said looking at some files."Yes,you are."I said nodding."Ok here's your schedule and a map of the school.There's your locker number and combination.Have a good day."She said handing me some papers.I smiled and grabbed the papers walking out the office.I walked around trying to find my locker but there were to many people here.I finally found my locker and put in the combination.The locker wouldn't open.After many attempts I still couldn't get it open.
"Come on.Come on.Come on"I said jiggling the lock and kicking the locker."If you keep abusing the locker like that you'll never get it open."I heard a voice making me jump like 10 feet in the air.Not literally people.That would blow my cover.I turned around to see a boy with brown hair,pale skin and doe brown eyes to match with a girl with dark brown hair,hazel eyes and tanned skin by his side."We haven't seen you around here before.Are you new to town?"The girl asked kindly."Is it that obvious?"I asked asked turning to the locker while frowning and kicking it lightly."Yeah pretty much.I'm Jeremy and this is my girlfriend Bonnie.What's your name?"The boy said smiling."I'm Marigold Parker.Nice to meet you."I said politely."You too.Do you need help?"Bonnie says referring to the locker and I nodded.I handed bonnie my combination number and she opened my locker with no effort at all."Wh-What.Why in the world-.How could you do that with no effort at all when this locker wants to give me problems-you know what I am not going to even ask ok.Thanks."I said looking at the locker with pure hate."No problem see you later."They said walking away.I put all the stuff I don't need in my locker and grabbed my history book and high-tailed my butt to class.I got to class on time and sat way in the back.
The bell rang and I was engaged in some things that I already know and things that interest me.It was sad and confusing for me that I was interested in this because I hate school.An hour later I was walking out of class with a large textbook and a bunch of papers.Dang school always going overboard with everything.I thought as I walked to my locker putting in my combination and putting everything neatly in the locker(surprising since the rate and force I'm putting on the locker).I grabbed my chemistry book and shut the locker hurrying to my second period.
*Time skip*
Lunch time.Finally!Morning classes done.I walked outside and sat down at one of the tables making sure to like wipe all over the table area I was in and the place I was sitting at.I kinda have OCD.Maybe not kinda.Yeah I definitely have it.I sat down after I was sure the seat was clean grabbed my phone out my bag and started playing angry birds.My phone beeped and it was Nik.'Hey.Just checking up on you' was what it said and I replied while smiling.'Hey Nik.School's boring and there's too much dirt' was my reply.'You still need your therapy sessions?' he asked.'Nope I'm good'I sent to him.'K I'll see you when you come home' was the last text he sent before I closed my phone.
"Hello."I heard a very familiar voice say.The person was answered with a loud scream and me jumping 5 feet off my seat and on the ground.I turned around and got up seeing Stefan freaking Salvatore."Hello I'm Marigold Parker."I said smiling.I don't care if he possibly beat me to death,he was still my big brother."Stefan Salvatore."Stefan said and to say he was shocked was the understatement of the month.His eyes were bulging out his sockets.That was the face he always made when he was shocked.Like the day he met Katherine."Are you ok?"I asked tilting my head to the side and squinting my eyes at him.I always do this when I'm worried or curious about something or someone."No I'm fine.I just wanted to say hello.Well bye Marigold."Stefan said and he scurried away taking his phone out.Well that was a little bit weird...ok a lot weird but I can deal with the fact that my own brother doesn't remember me.I sat back down and got my pack of hand sanitizer I keep hidden from Klaus.Ok maybe I do need those sessions.
Stefan p.o.v
I got out my phone and dialed Damon's number.She's back and that's a big problem.I'm happy that she's back she's alive even,but I mean she could still be mad at us for what we did.I hope we can explain to her why we did it.Katherine compelled us to do it.Damon finally picked up the phone.
*Phone conversation*
Me:Damon we got a problem
Damon:What is it
Me:Marigold.I just saw her.She's alive and-
Damon:Not this again.Every year around her death you talk about how you see her and that she's alive and stuff
Me: I'm serious Damon.She's at school right now-
Damon:Stef listen to me.Marigold is dead.Her death was not your fault.It was Katherine's fault.
*End convo*
Marigold p.o.v
School was finally over.I skipped all the way back to the apartment and unlocked the door."Klaus I'm home!"I called out.I got no answer."Klaus!"I said walking around the house."Klaus this is not funny!"I said walking up the stairs.I walked in our room and looked around.It was clean and neat.Just how I liked it."Hello,love."I hear a voice say.I screamed and kicked the person where the sun don't shine.I turned around to see a man with reddish-brown hair and green eyes."Who are you?"I asked scared."It's me Mari."The man said.It was Nik."Nik I'm so sorry!Are you ok?Why are you in another man's body?"I asked quickly."It's alright.I'm fine.This is so I can get the doppelgänger's friends trust."Nik explained.He moved to hug me but I stopped him."Not in that body."I say shaking my head.He pouted but nodded."I have to go do some business ok.If you go somewhere tell me ok."Nik instructed."Can I look around town?"I asked.He nodded."Just be safe ok."Klaus sternly said and I nodded.We both walked out the apartment going in different directions.

I walked to a place called 'the mystic grill'.I walked inside and sat at one of the booths and started humming a song."Hello Marigold."I heard a familiar voice say.I smiled and looked up to see Nik's brother,Elijah Mikaelsson."Elijah Mikaelsson.It's nice to see you."I said standing up and side hugging him.He hugged me back and I sat back down."What are you doing here?"I asked."I'm here on a little business.What about you?"He asked."I really don't know.Nik brought me here for some reason.By the way,have you seen Rebekah?"I told him."No I haven't but I have to go.Goodbye Marigold."He said."Bye Elijah."I said and he walked away.I looked at the bar to see-Oh come on!It was my other brother,Damon Salvatore.He turned around feeling someone watching him and his eyes fell to me.His eyes widen and I looked away when he turned back around.When he wasn't looking I put my head up and watched as he quickly paid for his drink and walked out the place.The bartender that was serving him looked at me confusingly.I pulled out a book from my bag and started reading.
Damon p.o.v
I ran into the house and open the door."Stefan!"I said slamming the door and walking to my bourbon.I need me a drink."Yeah damon."Stefan said coming down the stairs."I saw her...I saw Marigold.She's alive."Was all I had to say to him.This is not good.She is going to want revenge and is going to be a huge problem."We might need to get rid of her."I said to Stefan."What?Are you crazy!We can't just kill our own sister!"Stefan said angrily."We already did,Stefan.She could also be a danger to Elena."I said pouring me another drink after I downed the other one."She's our sister Damon.We could have another chance with her.We could all start over."Stefan said and I sighed."We can't.Not now.Not ever.So don't go talking to her.Are we clear?"I ordered to him.He sighed but nodded."Understood."He said and went back upstairs.
Marigold p.o.v
I walked back into the apartment and went to the room.I took a shower and put on my nightclothes.Nik would be home soon so I would be ok.But what if they found out and killed him and the man that he's possessing?What if Nik just killed all those innocent people for no reason?Oh my god!I think I'm going to be sick just thinking about this.But what if Mikael came back and killed Nik?No!Nik's to strong for that.He wouldn't go down without a fight.I just need to know if he's alright.I don't want to think of the bad things.Think happy thoughts.Just like Rebekah taught you.Just stay calm and everything would be alright.I sighed and sat on the bed.How long would Nik keep this up?I just don't want to hurt people.I want to let people live and grow old with the one they love and watch their kids and grandkids grow and have the happy life like I never did.I got under the covers and fell asleep.If Nik doesn't survive this...I'll kill him.

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