Chapter 56 - Babyshower Bitches.

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"Bring everyone you know" Was all Tommy said as you headed home momentarily

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"Bring everyone you know" Was all Tommy said as you headed home momentarily. Tommy was throwing Pamela a last minute babyshower as Brandon was due any day now and he didn't wanna be on the road for the birth.

You weren't sure how many babies were gonna be at the babyshower but Pamela wanted you to bring Izzy along. Heading to Tommy's house, which made yours and Nikki's look tiny in comparison, you headed in. Nikki lead the way with Izzy in his arms as he followed the sound to the garden. You put your gift on the table full of presents as you walked past.

Nikki stopped dead in his tracks to where you nearly walked into the back of him. You looked up to see Donna, talking to Pamela, not even noticing you were there.

"Why does this woman appear every time we get married?" You moaned as you turned to Nikki.

"I can't go, I have to be here for T Bone, but I'm not sure what to do" Nikki panicked and you calmed him down.

"We'll just grin and bare it. Whatever happens, happens" You mumbled taking his hand as you walked over to the group of people. Nikki branched off to see Tommy, taking Izzy with him as you eyed up the cakes and finger sandwiches they had on offer.

"You shouldn't really eat more than one of those if you don't want it to go to your hips" You sighed and counted to ten in your head before turning around to see Donna.

"Thank you for the tip" You mentioned, taking one of the finger sandwiches off your plate and onto another.

"Is he here?" She asked and you nodded, moving along the table. "Does he know I'm here?"

"Donna, both parties are aware of each other okay?" You sighed. "Don't take my pregnant friendliness from before as a signal to small talk with me"

"Excuse me but you stole him from me. You have no right to talk to me that way" Donna scoffed and you rolled your eyes.

"Look, I have the tiniest amount of patience left in me, so unless you want to cause a scene at Pamela's baby shower, I suggest you move on" You warned, feeling yourself getting more and more pissed off.

After a while, you had all sat around and watched Pamela open her presents. She said she was so happy for the turnout of people she got and said Brandon would be very blessed to know everyone. As the party continued, you went to the kitchen to find yourself some drinks that Pamela suggested were there. But all you could find was sparkling this and still that, you had momentarily forgotten that she was on the straight and narrow. Looking out the window as you drank your orange juice, you noticed Donna and Nikki arguing as Izzy cried in his arms.

You were beyond pissed off, at the both of them for causing such a scene that had Izzy was crying. Heading outside you made a beeline straight towards them.

"You told me you didn't want a family and here you are, Mr Family man" Donna scoffed.

"I just didn't want a family with you Donna, what about that is hard for you to understand?" Nikki snarled back.

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