Wolves Run Amongst Us

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Some of the upper years say there are wolves in the forbidden forest, some even go as far as to say there are also werewolves.

Bella doesn't think so, after all she's been into the forest on her own and come back out alive and unscathed. She said all she'd seen were endless amounts of green, brown and some sun; even moon when she'd gone in for a night under the pretence of a dare.

I think they're all stupid.


I was sat at the dining table shared between the endless Gryffindor students when Ginny commented on the amount of food I eat, it made me look down at my plate with a frown and then over at Harry and Ron's.

I had more food than even Ron did.

I stopped eating quite so much after that. It severely affected my physique.

Once relatively short and lanky, now much, much taller and far too thin. But at least I ate normal sized meals. My friends would worry about the hollowness in my cheeks, I'd wave them off with a fake smile and sunken eyes. Gesturing to my plate and saying 'it's no different to yours'. After all, it isn't their fault my portions really were what a greedy fat-man would eat.


I chased Bella into the woods today, but only because she stole my jumper; she will claim later to her fellow Slytherins, that I'm slow and pathetic.

It isn't my fault my lack of energy comes from both choosing to stay in and read a book and not eating enough to sustain my tall frame.

She will soon come to understand my reasons, why I keep to myself, why my fingers are barely bigger than a muggle B2 pencil, why I've had to shrink my skirts to keep them from slipping off.


I ran into the forest again, this time not chasing someone. This time because the skies were bare, and the sun was giving way to an equally as bright moon, the moon becoming much like a muggle torch in the way it blinds you when you look at it, it didn't blind me that night, or any nights before.


I bumped into Luna earlier, she paused gave me a serene smile and snook a chunk of the roast chicken from that night's tea into my palm, whispering something about me needing it more than her.

I'd never eaten something so quickly.


Bella's second youngest sister found me camping in one of the Hogwarts' corridor's windows, she had given me a once up and down, I struggled not to growl at her. But then, the most curious thing had happened.

She lightly felt for my hand, gave it a squeeze and started dragging me off down the corridors, down stairs, passed classrooms full of bored students ready for their last lesson to finish before being let out and getting up to no good.

She led me through the dungeons, scarily close to the Slytherin quarters, I only started to become nervous at this point as the mass of bodies not having their last lesson, sat in the snake's common room was making me antsy, where was she taking me?

The dungeons soon gave way from stone wall into wooden and dirt walls, plant pots lining the corridors and round windows settled high in the low walls.

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