Chapter 1

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Charlotte Fallon or as she preferred to be called, Charli, stood in her kitchen wrapping plates in newspaper before placing them into a box. After finding out her husband was nothing but a cheating scumbag, Charli decided that it was time for a change of scenery for her and her son Cole.

Cole at this moment walked into the kitchen with a box putting it on the kitchen table.
"Are you done with the attic?" Charli asked.
Cole nodded. "Yeah." He said. "Last box, it has an ancient camera and a few photo albums I figured you'd want to go through." He mumbled walking out of the kitchen to play his video games in the living room. Charli sighed and ran a hand through her hair, to say her son was upset with them moving was an understatement. She had become her 14 year old sons nemesis overnight and she absolutely hated it.

Cole and his father were quite close and while he understood how hurt his mother was, he didn't understand why they had to move. Charli walked into the living room and stood in front of the T.V. with her hands on her hips.
"Mom. move, I can't see what I am shooting." Cole grumbled.
Charli raised an eyebrow and turned off the tv.
"Mom!" Cole yelled.
"Enough, Cole. let's talk about this." Charli said.
"Okay, this sucks, I don't want to go. I want to stay with Dad. There. I talked." Cole said and crossed his arms. Charli tried to push back the hurt from her sons words.
"We've discussed why that is not an option. Your father is away a lot on business."
And hooking up with the models I photograph.
"The agreement was, You can be with him during summer if you choose, but someone has to be here for you for the rest of the year and that is me because I am your mother."
"So why are we moving? I get you want to be away from Dad but this isn't fair to me!" Cole argued.
"I know it's not fair honey. But we're not just leaving because of your father, I got a job offer in Storybrooke, and it's my hometown, you will love it when you get there I promise. Please be patient with me."
"Whatever. Can I play my game now?" Cole asked.
"No. but what you can do is go finish packing your room." Charli said.
Cole growled in frustration and stood up kicking the couch.
"This sucks!" He yelled.
"Cole Nottingham!" Charli scolded her son who just rolled his eyes and stomped up the stairs to his room.

Charli sighed and walked back into the kitchen to finish packing. She looked at the box on the table and opened it. She smiled as she pulled out her old camera, She used this camera for taking pictures for the school yearbook back in Storybrooke. She put the camera to the side and picked up a photo album. She opened it and gasped at the photo of a teenage boy with dark hair and bright blue eyes The background of the photo was the boys locker room, and the boy was standing there with a raised eyebrow and a smirk plastered on his lips. It had been years since she had thought of him. She pulled the photo album to her chest and sighed.

"Come on Killian will you just smile?" Charli sighed as she lowered her camera.
"Oh will you lighten up Fallon, it's just yearbook."
"It's not just Yearbook Killian, it's THE yearbook. This is our senior year, this is the one that is really worth remembering so stop goofing off and friggin smile!" Charli demanded narrowing her blue eyes at him.

"Come on red, calm down." Robin grinned as he put Bunny ears over Graham's head yet again. Red was of course in reference to Charli's hair color. Graham smacked Robins hand away and smiled at Charli
"Come on, lets be nice to Charli. We do this to her every year." Graham said
"So its tradition." Will grinned and Jumped on Graham's back.
"You guys are impossible." Charlotte whined.
"Alright mates, let's take one good one for the lass." Killian said flashing Charli his signature smirk. She couldn't stay mad when he did that and he knew it. She smiled and raised her camera to finally get a decent picture of Storybrooke High's Hockey team.
"Alright guys, thank you for your cooperation...finally." Charli grinned and put her camera back in the bag.
"Alright, everyone on the ice for practice!" Killian shouted at the team "I'll be there in a moment." He said.
"Hurry up Jones. You can suck face with Fallon later." Coach Jim scoffed and walked out of the locker room.

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