Chapter 2

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Charli was frazzled, she was supposed to start her new job with the Newspaper this morning, but had to make arrangements to see Coles History teacher, because on the note, the teacher wrote it was urgent to see her. She couldn't believe her kid had already caused a problem on the first day, this wasn't her son at all. He was a good kid, he was just having a hard time with the move. She pulled up into the school parking lot and parked she grabbed her coffee out of the cupholder and got out of the car looking up at the school smiling. It had been so long since she'd seen it but it didn't look a bit different. She walked into the school and to the front desk.
"Oh. My. God. Charli?!" The curly blonde headed woman from behind the desk nearly shrieked.
"Tink! Oh my God!" Charli gasped. Tink walked around to the front of the desk and hugged her. 

"It's been so long! What brings you here??"
"Oh, I need to see one of the teachers for my son."
"You do not have a kid that goes here." Tink said in disbelief.
"Yep. I do." Charli said awkwardly as Tink handed her a visitors pass. 

It wasn't her proudest moment, after moving away from Storybrooke during her senior year, She met Keith right after she graduated High school, and ended up pregnant at 18.
"Wow, I can't believe it. You look great!" Tink beamed.
"You too, we should catch up!" Charli offered.
"Definitely, which class are you looking for?" Tink asked.
"Freshmen world History." Charli replied. 

"Oh they moved that, its up the stairs second room on the right." Tink said and smiled.
"Great, Thank you!" Charli said returning her smile and made her way towards the classroom. She had a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach as she climbed the stairs, but figured it was just the nostalgia from being back in the school for the first time in 15 years. She walked down the hallway and stopped at the World History classroom and opened the door taking an anxious sip out of her coffee, completely unprepared for who sat behind the desk. The dark haired, blue eyed teacher looked up from his computer. His blue eyes widened and his mouth hung open like a codfish Charli missed her mouth with the coffee and spilled it all down her white blouse. She yelped because it startled her, and it was hot at the same time.
"Fallon?!" Killian gasped standing up.
"Hi..Killian." Charli said softly.

Charli was quiet, which was unusual for her. Killian sighed and stopped the car.
"Alright, thats it. I am not driving any further until you tell me what the hell is wrong." He stated.
"Killian, I have a 10:30 curfew.. I'll be late." Charli whined.
"Then I guess you should probably talk." Killian shrugged. Charli looked out the window. Her eyes welled with tears.
"Come on love, what is it?"
"My Dad got a job offer in New York." She frowned her voice cracked and she wiped a tear as it fell out of her eye.
"Oh love, I'm sorry. So He'll be gone a lot then.." Killian sighed. "That must have your mum in tatters."
"Well.. no, not really." Charli sighed. "It's just.."
"What? What is it? what are you not telling me Charli?" Killian asked.
"The whole family is going. I'm..moving Killian."
Killian laughed, not that he found it funny, he just didn't know what else to do, he was in disbelief, the love of his life just told him she was leaving.
"No.. we were going to go to SBU together, you were going to do sports photography and I was going to play Hockey and then we were going to get married and settle down. It's what we planned." Killian said.

"I know." Charli said quietly.
"But you could stay with me, and Liam. He won't mind." Killian offered. "It's our senior year, you can't just go Charli!"
"I already packed Killian."
"What? Why didn't you tell me sooner, we need more time!" Killian's eyes welled. Charli couldn't stand it, she had only seen him cry once before and it was when his mother passed.
"I didn't know what to say, I didn't know how to say it Killian. I still can't believe it."
"When do you leave?" Killian asked.
"Tomorrow.." Charli replied. Killian shook his head.
"So you were going to leave without telling me?"
"No. I was going to tell you when you took me home.." Charli sniffled.
"Please, Stay with me tonight. Give me one more night with just you and I." Killian pleaded and held her hand tightly. Charli knew she'd be in trouble but she didn't care. She nodded.
"Okay." She said squeezing his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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