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Hayden trudged his feet along the wet
pavement from the recent showers that had fallen, the puddles lighting up from the moon looming above.

He couldn't help but think about



The mysterious boy.

There was something about him that was unlike any other.

A sigh rushed past his lips as his hand pulled open the door to the home on wheels.

He sprawled his arms out in front of him, attempting to navigate the pure black hallway before abruptly smacking his head against... another?

"Ouch!" Johnny yelped, reaching quickly for the light that lay conveniently next to him on the wall.

"I'm sorry! Did I hurt you?" Hayden questioned frantically. He reached his hands up to examine the place they had bumped noggins, furrowing his eyebrows as he saw the area had grown red.

"It's okay, Hay.." He reassured, giving him a soft smile before reaching up to remove the boys hands from his head. "Let's watch that movie now, yeah?"

They walked in unison to Johnny's bunk, the one they had spent the most time in, getting under the blankets he had placed beforehand once the movie sounded it's start.

The movie dragged.

And dragged.

And dragged.

Johnny had noticed very quickly Hayden wasn't with him.

Well.. he was with him, but not how he wanted him to be.

As the movie progressed he would shuffle in his seat, causing Hayden to have to do the same since they were so close, eventually making it so that the only way they could fit comfortably together was if his arm was around the other boy.

At what felt like the right moment, Johnny lifted his arm; wrapping it around the back of Hayden.

He snuggled up against Johnny's small figure, not thinking much of the act. This was nothing out of the ordinary.

Johnny decided that now was his only chance to, well, take a chance.

He moved his fingertips down Hayden's arm slowly until he reached his hand, attempting to slide his palm against the other before it disappeared.

"What?" Hayden questioned, pulling away from Johnny's figure. Confusion sprawled across his furrowed eyebrows and hot cheeks. "What was that all about?"

"I'm sorry.. I wasn't really thinking." Johnny confessed making sure to mentally yell at himself before the other boy got another word in.

"It's okay, J." He continued. "But you know where I stand right now."

"You miss him." Johnny sighed into his words. "I should respect that, and I plan to."

Silence fell between them.

Instant regret wrapped around Johnny.

Suffocation of regret.

Regret for more than just what he had attempted.

This was nothing.

"I-I have to go the bathroom." Johnny finally spoke up. His words cut the silence like a serrated knife. "I'll be back."

Hayden tried to focus on the movie that continued to play, but to no avail.

He decided to turn to the only thing that brought him any closure.

1 new dm from haydensummerall!

hey wasteyutes

His fingers reached for more keys but were quickly interrupted by a faint buzz next to him under the covers.

Hayden furrowed his eyebrows, pulling back the blanket Johnny had most recently been under, pulling his phone into vision.

1 new dm from haydensummerall!

[wasteyutes] haydensummerall: hey wasteyutes

we kinda nervous to post this but within my j*nzie depression i think this will do us gays well

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