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So! Me and my friend (not saying her name. I call her Kacchan anyway 😂) we had to do a science project and we got to pick our partners. Now, I knew there would be tantrums because it's a freaking Kacchan 2.0. man I wish I got it on video. One thing that was funny was she didn't get sissors she got a freaking knife to cut the cardboard! Then when she was done with that she messed up the cardboard so she had to start over. She went to her garage to get a box, threw it, yelled at it and her cat came in and was walking twords the cardboard and she freaking slid the cat across the kitchen like she was playing freaking curling 😂. Yup, that happened about a week or so ago. I'm never going to forget that😂 sorry Kacchan!

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