Grandma's Relationship Advice to Me on My 16th Birthday

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*A Villanelle for my Grandma; just published in Mezzo Cammin

That is not like a lady! Act like so:
Walk straight and dignified with hands on hips.
A lady never interrupts, you know...

This is the way things were some time ago:
Chest out! Butt in! Keep pride at fingertips.
Always be like a lady! Act like so:

Don't slouch! Don't pout! A smile will make you glow.
First dates never get pass your puckered lips...
A lady never interrupts, you know!

You never try to catch a man, he shows
The world to you—now that is true courtship!
Be treated like a lady? Act as so.

I've got some good advice for dinner, too!
You must not ever gulp! Take tiny sips.
A lady never interrupts! You know,

Your mom had this advice some years ago—
And she's happily married from my tips.
She's always stayed a lady, honey, so...
A lady never interrupts you know!

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