The draw

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"Hey you know we never got to complete those bets." stark Sayed coming over to me. I was in the kitchen putting away my plate.
"Ok fine you get to ask me one simple question." I say reaching into the cuberd putting the plate away.
"Ok well.... Why are you here?" he finally asks after thinking. I sit up on the counter.
"Well because furry said I should be here to help you guys so you don't mess everything up." I reply.
"Whats coming that's so bad we need more people to help?" he asks leaning in.
"Sorry you only got 1 question." I say as I swing my legs. "Now I get my pizza!"
"Fine order it." he walks away probably to his lab defeted.
Haha I let out a little laugh. And ofcorse I order the pizza for dinner.
"Hey you wanna train?" Cap asks coming in "and get off the counter."
"Ok might as well." I say following him into the training room. I disregard the last part.
"Ok, so start over there and let's take it slow."  He goes to the other side of the room and we start training.

A while later.
Natasha comes in "hey Cap we need you."
"Ok keep training." He tells me. And the two of them leave.
Well of course I can't just sit here. So I go down the hall.

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