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I walk right over to Furrys office.
"Open up." I say after nothing happens.
"Axses denied." Jarvis says with no emotion.
"Jarvis you better let me in or im going to...." the Dore opens. "Wise!" I walk in and he's sitting at his desk.
"Jarvis you were supposed to keep her out." he say bairly looking up.
"She threatened me." Jarvis repise.
"Ok where is he! I didn't give up every thing for nothing!" I say hitting his desk.
"You have to wate." he replys.
"I have been waiting too long. I was in that cave for the perpis of fast forwarding the waiting. My memories are all scrude up and I gave up every thing. And all you can tell me is wate!"
"You have to wate."
"Ok fine I'll wate! I am going to wate tell Thor comes back and when he does I'm going to leve. So you better have a plan by then." I turn around and walk out of the room. I have to see Thor one more time before I do it.

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