Chapter XVIII - A New Perspective

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'Cuphead, please, you simply must try to calm down.' Elder Kettle spoke with a sense of clarity in his voice.

'Calm down? CALM DOWN?' Cuphead yelled dramatically, filled with anger. 'How in the name of Jiminy Cricket could I possibly calm down when the girl of my dreams is in the hands of that no good King Dice? Or maybe even The Devil?!'

'W-wait... did you just call (Y/N) the girl of your dreams?' Mugman questioned with a giggly tone, smiling warmly to his brother. Cuphead soon realised what he had just said and began to blush brightly on his cheeks with a shy gleam in his eyes. 'Ooo!'

'M-Mugman, shush! T-that doesn't matter...' Cuphead stammered before gathering his thoughts together, 'What does matter is that we need to save her. The question is... how are we going to do that?' He pondered to himself for a while before he was snapped out of his thoughts by the touch of Elder Kettle placing his hand gently on the side of his grandson's shoulder.

'I'm not sure...' The senior mumbled with a slightly worrisome tone. 'There's nothing we can do as of now. It's late and you boys need some rest.'

'But Elder Kettle...' Cuphead sighed heavily, looking up to face the caring Elder Kettle, trying to hold back any pain he felt the best he possibly could, 'how can I sleep when (Y/N) could be in danger? How do I just pretend everything is fine when it isn't?' He looked down in an instant as soon as he felt a tear form in his eyes. Cuphead was not the type of guy that was willing to show any sadness he felt within himself, no matter how painful it was to hide it. This time, though, it was the strongest pain he had ever felt, more intense than the pain of when he could have damned him and his brother to an eternity of Hell. He just felt he had to be strong, be the tough guy everyone thinks he is.

'Cuphead, I'm not asking you to turn off your emotions.' Elder Kettle responded, 'I simply want you to get some rest. You have had a big day and you won't be able to do much this late at night. Besides, all shops are closed.' Cuphead breathed heavily, sniffing a little before looking up at his grandfather, who carried a caring smile on his face. A pair of footsteps on the creaky wooden floorboards drew closer to the duo as Mugman began walking over to them.

'Elder Kettle is right, Cuphead.' Mugman spoke softly, gently sitting down beside his brother on the linen couch. 'You need to get some sleep. There's no point staying up stressing if it's not going to do anything to help her.' Cuphead couldn't say much. He just wanted to find me and bring me back home safely where he could keep me in his arms and know that I was okay.

'You can stop by Porkrind's Emporium tomorrow morning if you like.' Elder Kettle suggested, 'He may have something that can help you or give you some advice.'

Cuphead looked over at him and nodded in agreement, reassured by the fact that Porkrind may be able to help. 'Okay, first thing tomorrow, I'll talk to Porkrind.'

'Right then!' Elder Kettle beamed, looking at the boys. 'I'll give you some money tomorrow just in case. As for now, run along to bed you two. It's way past your curfew.'

Unwillingly, Cuphead obliged and followed his grandfather's orders, walking up the stairs ever so slowly with his head hanging down, watching with each footstep he took as he moved his feet up one by one. Mugman followed behind patiently and once they both reached the second floor, he patted his brother on the back softly with a tender smile before walking off into his room. Cuphead sighed as he opened the door to his room, looking inside with eyes that could only see the darkness of the night as it consumed his once colourful bedroom. He walked over to his bed with a moping posture as he plopped himself down on it, burring his head in his pillow. As much as he didn't want to, he knew he had to at least try and doze off into a slumber, knowing with a sorrowful heart that tomorrow was going to be a tough day to get through.

A Cup Of Desire (Cuphead x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now