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Love. Something so dangerous yet I believe it. My name is Goldie, but some people call me Frisk as a nickname. I dont have many friends, why is there a use for them? My trust is always hard to get. People know this about me.

Yet do I care? Hell no. I dont care. I dont care how people are. There are some things I dont like about people. How they bully others for their sick game... how they tease people to the break of not able to trust others... and all of that.

Things have always been hard for me. People always made of me in my village. The village is called Winter Village. Everyone here keeps saying I'm such a weird girl and I shouldn't have been born. Like.... what on earth? Somethings I never understand about people is why bully those who are different? That's something that has always bugged me.

Every other day, people will go up to me and throw tomatoes at me in a attempt to give up and turn myself into the council of my village. Like hell, why would I do that? That's something I will not do. That's when the council made a game. Every year on Halloween, the people will get a bunch of tomatoes and try to figure out which one of the children in costumes is me. Of course no one wins every year thanks largely to my parents. I help them hand out candy each year so I ended up safe from tomato throwers who will do anything to earn the 1000+ dollars from the council of the village.

Usually I wouldn't care, but that's a bit too far, considering I'm only a 16 year old, a girl in high school, who is receiving this type of treatment. Some of my closest friends literally have to make sure I'm safe. Even their parents who got to know me. And the reason for all of this trouble? Is because I have a higher determination level than those who go to school to learn about souls and LV or Love. Why would they get mad over something like that? I have no idea.

Today was like any other day. I was just busy doing my homework with my friends at the park, as usual. A few people were in the park. It was also a nice, fall, sunny day with not a cloud in the sky. That's what I like. Most people wouldn't even think of getting something to throw it at me and just spend time with those they loved. That's how everything today went.

People going in and out of shops, people playing with their pets, and children playing at the playground. It was just perfect. Me and my friends were enjoying the weather and answering a few questions on our assignments when a old lady, named Melody, came our way.

Melody is a 79 year old lady who is short, has gray hair, green eyes, pale skin, and always wear dresses. She has a dog named Max, who was always nasty towards me most of the time. She also has a cane with her because she can barely walk as it is.

Once she arrived to where we are, I already have a bad feeling. Usually she doesn't talk to me because she hates me. And today.. of all days... she decided to come up and ruin my day. I stare up at her with a look that some may describe 'I hate your guts so just leave'. She stares at me then speaks with her screechy voice, which I hate SO MUCH.

"Relax you little shit.. I am here to tell you something...," she said.

I just stared at her not taking this. Usually if she wants to tell you something she wouldn't have done it out here. She would do it over coffee. So this is confusing for me, even my friends were confused.

"Ma'am.. I dont have to talk with you."

"Oh yes you do, you bitch!! Everyone is sick and tired of seeing your ugly face!"

"Miss... I dont-"

"Now listen here, demon child. The council is sick and tired of your bullshit. They have brought your parents into a meeting and deciding what to do with you. Someone like you dont deserve to live after what happened!"

I stared at her, now confused. What is this thing she is talking about? I need to figure this out if I was gonna clear my name.

"I'm sorry.. what happened?" I asked, hoping she won't holler for me to shut the hell up. She stared down at me with a intense look. Then she spook.

"Jenny, the female guard that lives in your area, got killed. People suspected it was you since its usually around the time you come home," she said with a grin, which to me was a goddamn smirk but I cant be sure.

I stare straight into her eyes when the guards appeared with my parents. My eyes grew wide to see the whole village there. I immediately stood up and ran off with my friends calling for me to stop and come back.

Run, run, run, run.. is all I could think of. My adrenaline is skyrocketing, my heart beating. I kept running till I came up to the base of the mountain. I started to climb. My parents betrayed me.. they told them where I was! They were gonna kill me!

Tears appeared in my eyes. I continue to run up the mountain till I reached to the place where people say if you fall down you are gone. I looked and see the guards with the village. They came up and looked at me with a look saying dont do it. I watched as my parents appeared with the council.

My mother looked at me with sadness. My father was holding her close. I knew what I had to say before I jumped down into the hole and disappear forever.

"You betrayed me!! I thought I can trust you with my life. I thought I can trust you to have my back. But your a backstabbing, little shits that dont understand how I feel! You all dont understand what you have done to me! You are all assholes!!" I yelled. I looked down and jumped into the hole. I hear my best friend, Chara, yelling no along with Jennifer and Cristina. They both jumped and we fall down together into the unknown abyss.

As we fall.. they brought me close to me and we continue to fall, without a care in the world as long as we die together.

Fem! Sans x Fem! Frisk: Love!Tale {Discontinued}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora