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Hey guys im Annie Leblanc, im 15 years old, and I have depression, I had it when I was 10 or 12

it was a long time ago.

I have a friend that helps me, with my depression he's Sean lew, he's 16 and he's a

choreographer he dances you may know him on world of dance.


-In school-

I'm in my math class right now I hate math class, but whatever

A paper ball hit my head, I look at the ground I take the paper ball unwrap it. It has

a note 'Yo! ugly, kill yourself' it said, I stand up and walked to the teacher and said "Miss can I go

to the bathroom?" I asked.

"Sure." Miss replied.

As soon as the teacher said that I put my hand on my face and ran out crying...

I know that Sean was in my class he may come after me later...(;-;)

I ran in the girls bathroom.. and cried myself.

Sean Prov

"Sean can you go check on Annie please?"

"Yes Miss.."

I walked out of the classroom I was almost there I heard someone crying, in the bathroom.

I walk in front of the bathroom and I saw her crying with her head and hands on her knees with

her head on her knees too.

Oh no.. what happened?

"Annie are you there?" I asked.

"Y-Yes I'm here, what are you doing here?" Annie replied back.

"The  teacher told me to check up on you, are you okay? why are you crying?" I asked.

"Someone threw a paper ball at me and it had said 'Yo! Ugly, go kill yourself' maybe I should

I don't even belong here..." Annie said.

"Well what about me?"I replied.

"Well I don't know maybe until we met again".


Sorry guys I now that this story was sort and I will try my best to write.

(316) words.

I love you guys 💋

What is the meaning of life even though I don't belong here? (Sean lew)Where stories live. Discover now