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By 202X, everyone had been infected by the disease, from the poorest man living in the streets to the richest businessman, even the ones hiding in the Antarctic, thinking that the disease wouldn't reach the cold continent. Airline companies had taken a malicious pleasure to charge some very naive customers a little fortune for one-way trips to the Earth's bottom pole. Nevertheless, everyone had ended up infected, some with a couple of thousands less in their bank account. For some medical reason that, to this day, remained unknown to scientists, the disease only started developing into its host at age 18. At first, back when people thought that it was just a simple infection, they used it at their advantage to know whether or not their lover was really liking them back. Of course, people weren't dying yet, only coughing some petals, but when the first person died a month after the sickness was discovered and indexed, doctors, biologists, scientists, microbiologists, and various other researchers from around the globe started to investigate the matter, and after years and years of intensive experimentation on Otashi, nobody had found a cure to it and immediately, worldwide emergency was declared and public safety announcements were being broadcasted almost day and night on television, radio and online. People thought that the apocalypse was coming, but after a few days, the population understood that the disease wasn't going to kill everyone, just the ones that weren't loved back by their soulmate. After a couple of months, the worldwide emergency was lowered to "potential threat". Life came back to normal, students went back to school, but adults were still scared of leaving their house and to fall in love, which, in return, made the world population diminish slowly.

People, such as celebrities, got back to doing shows and appearances on the television and life seemed to come back to normal, except for the fact that everyone could die from Otashi at any point and time. The three guys were in their common dorm, some listening to music, bopping their head in rhythm, while some were studying for their finals, rereading their notes and their books, studying in silence. Since all males weren't living close to Seoul, they had separately decided to live in a dorm close to the university so that they wouldn't need to do two hour long trips everyday, excluding any traffic, to get there. Taehyung had been quite surprised at first of the dorm they were given, as it was at least three times more spacious than his house, and worth at least ten times more. The very intelligent male had liked every single room, gasping at the sight of them, even crying when he had realized that they had actual tap water that seemed never-ending, which had really confused the brunette. Jungkook, on the other hand, found the dorm quite luxurious but quite small. Despite everything, he hadn't complained for one bit, as he was finally free from his very snob, nosy, to say controlling parents. They had been the ones to push the younger male into an acting career, telling him how simple it'd be for him to enter this very private clique because of how many people they knew worked in either film production or acting. So like the good little obedient boy that he was, Jungkook had registered himself in the cinema department, making his parents proud of him.

Jungkook, a student at the University of Seoul, was mumbling, rereading his notes, wanting to print into his memory the notes he had taken for chemistry. The chocolate coloured haired male was frowning a little, unsure of his own tilted cursive writing, since it had smudged due to the water, which was due to the fact that he had dropped all of his notes by accident in a puddle when he came back to the dorm, as he had stepped on his own shoelace, which had made him plummet to his doom. Taehyung was on his own bed, Beats headphones over his ears, soft classical music playing, Chopin to be precise, the soft keys of the piano being brushed by the professional hands of a pianist. The older male's eyes were glued on his notes, skimming through them quickly, knowing there wasn't much time before the exam; barely a few days.

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