•Promise 10•

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"Lastly, please promise me you won't take your life away. You mean too much to me. You mean too much to this world. Please promise me you won't even think about it. I-I, I don't even want to think about how I would cope with it. No, I don't want to cope with it. Please just don't. Promise me Y/N, please promise me you won't end it all. It isn't going to help. It isn't going to fix anything. Please Y/N, please just d-don't. P-promise me. Promise you won't let go"

The tears kept falling from both our eyes as he said those last words.

I don't want to promise Jimin

I thought, closing my eyes at the immense pain that stung through my heart.

Because promises are meant to be broken

Just like how you broke yours

And how I'm about to break mine.

I thought, as I picked up the bottle of pills that lay beside me, opening the cap and taking out 11 of it before putting it all in my mouth, all at once.

And right before my eyes closed, one last thought crossed my mind;

Maybe if you didn't break your promise Jimin, maybe if you didn't leave me, then maybe I wouldn't have to go through with it. Maybe I wouldn't have to resolve to this.

But you did

So I'll see you soon, jagi.

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