Chapter IV

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Today was the day where Beca was going to meet Chloe. Beca had read up on the case file but she still needed to hear it from Chloe in person and get to know the woman as well. Beca was tired since she didn't get a good night's sleep last night, which wasn't uncommon. Beca never slept well ever since Jesse died and she used to have trouble sleeping whenever she and Emily fought, which wasn't uncommon either. The two would more often than not have their arguments and sometimes it resulted in Emily hitting Beca just like it did last night. Beca didn't like being hit but she knew Emily didn't mean it and they always made up afterwards. Life still wasn't easy for Beca and she hoped that once she started her mission, her health would improve but she wasn't going to get her hopes completely up.

Beca arrived at the Bureau first thing in the morning where Chief Abernathy escorted Beca to one of the conference rooms. Chief Abernathy went through the case with Beca, making sure the brunette knew what was required of her and how things would plan out once they got to L.A. Beac was feeling confident but she was still nervous. This was her first mission since the death of her best friend and she was hoping more than anything not to screw up again.

"Chloe Beale, this is Special Agent Beca Mitchell. She'll be looking after you while you're under our protection," Chief Abernathy introduced once they entered the conference room.

Chloe stood and held her hand out to the brunette, taken aback by not only her size but her beauty.

"I know what you're thinking, how can a hobbit like me protect a human like you? Don't worry, this hobbit packs quite the punch," Beca said, shaking Chloe's soft hand.

"Oh, no," Chloe chuckled. "I wasn't thinking that at all."

"You're kind to say that." Beca retracted her hand as she sat across from Chloe.

"Well, I'll leave you to it." Chief Abernathy dismissed herself from the room.

There was an awkward silence once the blonde left. Beca couldn't help but stare at the beautiful blue-eyed redhead in front of her and what made it worse was that Beca knew Chloe was an exotic dancer. Thoughts of Chloe dancing half-naked consumed Beca's mind. She knew it was wrong considering the circumstances and the fact that she already had a girlfriend of several years but Chloe was one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen. Beca wanted to continue to stare but she had a job to do.

"So, ah, Miss Beale," Beca cleared her throat. "I've read up on the case file so I know what happened at the club but I'd like to hear it from you if that's alright?"

"Yes, that's fine..." Chloe nodded, looking down at her coffee cup. "I'm sorry, I'm still a little shaken up by it all."

"No, that's fine. I understand. Take your time."

Chloe took a few breaths before telling Beca about the incident. She was as detailed as she could be and gave Beca everything she could remember.

"So, the man that shot your boss, what did he look like?" Beca asked.

"He looked like a regular guy. He had short brown hair, blue eyes, and was rather... handsome if I'm honest."

"Handsome?" Beca frowned with a tiny smile.

"You asked me what he looked like," Chloe giggled and Beca swore she had never heard anything so sweet.

Sure, Emily's giggles were cute but Chloe's were something else.

"So the killer was handsome. Anything else? Any names?"

"No," Chloe shook her head. "No names. I just saw him. I only remember him."

"Was this the man?" Beca opened up a file and gave Chloe a photo.

"Yes, that's him! That's the guy!"

"I thought so."

"Who is he?"

"His name is Chicago Walp. He used to be a soldier for the US Army but was dishonourably discharged when he was caught stealing drugs from the medical facilities. He's currently involved in the biggest drug ring in New York City."

"Oh... Oh wow... That's... something."

"Yes. Fucking bastard..." Beca hissed. "Sorry."

"No, it's fine. Did... did you want to talk about it?"

"Oh, no, thanks. Don't worry about it. He's not a nice guy that's all. He's killed innocent people in cold blood for the sake of money and saving his own ass. Did you know that he owns The Purple Pony?"

"W, what? He owns it?"


"But... Tony owns it."

"Not exactly. You see, when Tony got into business he wasn't exactly experienced in the area so he got into debt rather quickly. Unfortunately, he turned to Chicago for money. So they came up with a deal that Chicago would own the club, so to speak, while Tony paid off his debts then paid off Chicago. It took him years to do it but he eventually paid off everything, and most of it was thanks to you."

"To me?"

"Yes. You're the clubs best dancer. You brought in all of the customers that helped paid Tony's debt."

"So, if Tony paid everything, why did Chicago come after him?"

"The club was bringing in good money so when it was time for Chicago to give the club back to Tony, he refused, claiming that Tony owed him more money but Tony wasn't stupid. That's where you saw them argue and Chicago killed him so he could own the club. However, his plan didn't work out so well since you saw him."

"So he's after me now?"

"Pretty much, yes. These drug dealers don't muck around when it comes to tying up loose ends. You were very smart coming to us straight away."

"That was the first thing on my mind. As soon as I saw Tony... die... I knew I had to go straight to the police."

"And you did well - very well. I don't want you to worry though, Miss Beale, I'm going to be looking after you while you're in Los Angeles. I've been a Special Agent for many years and I can assure you that you'll be well looked after."

Chloe sighed contently. "Thank you, Special Agent. You have no idea how good it feels knowing that someone's going to be by my side."

"You can depend on me, Miss Beale."

"Chloe," the woman corrected. "Please, call me Chloe."

"Chloe..." Beca echoed. "Okay. Feel free to call me Beca. Calling me Special Agent all the time will be draining."

"Okay, Beca," she giggled. "I hope we don't run into any trouble."

Beca smiled faintly. "Me, too."

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