Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

///Alexis' POV///

///6 months later///

"WAHHHH!!!!!!!!" I hear Luke Jr. scream from him and Zoe's room. They're both 6 months old so we can tell their cries apart. We made a deal that I would get up for Luke(okay I don't wanna type jr every time I mention Luke Jr. so I might just write Luke or LJ okay? Keep reading.) and Luke will get up for Zoe. I throw the blankets off of me but I end up throwing the blankets off of Luke too and wakes up. He sits up and looks at me like he's gonna kill me for waking him up. "Before you say anything I didn't mean to wake you up." "I'm not mad at you for waking me up. It's just that I'm cold now." He says as he covers himself with the blankets. "Well since you're up can you do me a favor?" "What?" "LJ is probably hungry so can you get him his bottle while I try to calm him down." I say as I stand up from the bed and walk towards the door. "Yeah." He says as he stands up. I leave the room and walk to the twins room. I turn on the light and walk over to Luke's grab. I walk over to one of the chairs and sit down. I start to rock him slowly to get him to stop crying. "Shh. It's okay mommy's here." I say as I kiss him on the forehead. He then stops crying and starts to giggle. "Here's his bottle." Luke says handing me a bottle. "Thanks." I say grabbing the bottle and start to feed LJ. Luke then sits down next to me in the other chair. "You're not gonna go back to bed?" "I'll go back to bed once you're done." "Aw, you don't have to do that. Go to bed." "No." "Luke." "Alexis this is the 4th time you've woken up to take care of him." "Well we made a deal that I'd wake up for LJ and you'd wake up for Zoe." I say as I finish feeding LJ. I put the bottle on the floor and start to rock him again so he'll fall asleep again. "But Zoe barely wakes up in the middle of the night." "It's fine Luke. I'm his mommy, this is my job." I say as I kiss LJ on the forehead. He then closes his eyes and falls asleep. "Okay okay." "By the way I'm going to Phoenixx's today." I say as I stand up from the chair and put LJ in his crib. I recover him with his favorite blanket. "Are you bringing the twins?" "I was gonna leave them here with you if you're okay with that." I say as I turn of the light and we then walk back to our room. "Yeah that's fine. You need a break." "Thanks." I say as I lay back down in bed. As soon as Luke lays down, Zoe starts to cry. "You've got be kidding me." He says as he sits up straight and gets out of bed. "Haha. I'm going to bed." I say as cover myself with the blankets. "I'll be back." He says as he leaves the room. I then close my eyes and fall back asleep.

///Phoenixx's POV///

"MOMMY'S HOME!!!!" Zada screams as she runs over to me. I pick her up and hug her tight. I've recently started college. I was gonna wait until after me and Connor got married, but we're getting married next June and I didn't want to wait. I'm going to become a forensic anthropologist. I wanted to go to college for forensic anthropologly as soon as I graduated but I couldn't because I had Zada. But now she's a little bit older and Connor told me I should go for it. Me and him are planning on getting married in June so on top of studying for college I have a wedding to plan. "Hi baby girl." I say kissing her cheek. "Home for good!!!" "I have to go back on Monday. But I'm gonna be home all weekend." "YAYA!!!!!" "Guess who's coming over?" I say as I walk over to the couch. I then put her on my lap and she looks at me. "Who mommy!" "Aunt Alexis." "YAYAY!" She screams as she throws her arms in the air. I haven't seen Alexis that much because I have been at school so much and she's been busy with the twins. I mean I don't live on campus I commute everyday so I can see Zada but sometimes I stay with Kali in her dorm. Her daughter Aria lives with her on campus. She goes to the same college as me and she's majoring in forensics too but she's majoring in Cyber Forensics. "So how was class today?" Connor says as he walks over to the couch and sits down next to me. "I got to watch a live autopsy today and on Monday I get to look at real bones and see how the person died." "I thought you were going for forensic anthropology." "I am." "Then why did you watch an autopsy." "Even though I'm majoring in forensic anthropology I have to take a basic intro forensic science class." "I still don't know how you're able to do that. I'd throw up." Connor says as he grabs Zada from me. "I've always wanted to do this." "I know, it's really weird not having you home during the day though." "You're lucky I don't live on campus." "Zada are you happy mommy's home?" Connor says looking at her. She smiles big and nods her head. "YES DADDY!!!!" She screams and then there's a knock on the door. I stand up and walk over to the door. I answer the door and its Alexis. "What's up hoe?" She says as she walks inside. "You didn't bring the twins?" "Nope, Luke said I needed a break." "You're like super mom." "So are you. You're in college and raising Zada." "Thanks." I say as I walk over to Connor and Zada. "Before you ask, go upstairs. I'll take care of Zada." He says and I kiss him. Me and Alexis then goes upstairs to my room. "So how's the twins doing?" "They're getting so big. And they're starting to crawl." "Do they wake up a lot in the middle of the night?" "LJ woke up four times yesterday. But guess what happened?" "What?" "It was like 3:30 and LJ woke up crying for the 4th time and Luke came in with me and as soon as we got back to our room Zoe started crying." "Doesn't Luke take care of her when she cries?" "Yup. And oh he was pissed." "That's funny." I say as I sit down on my bed. "Change of subject. My dress fitting is tomorrow." "I'm coming!" "Hell yeah you are. You're trying on maid of honor dresses." "Do you have any idea where you two are getting married at?" "We're getting married on the beach he proposed to me on." "What color are the dresses gonna be because I refuse to wear pink." "I hate the color pink so don't worry." "What color are you thinking?" "Purple. You'll be wearing a light purple and Kali and the other bridesmaids will be wearing dark purple." "What's Zada gonna wear?" "A violet color with a little flower crown on her head." I say and Connor comes into my room holding Zada's hand. Zada has tears falling down her cheeks. "Why is she crying?" "Tell mommy what happened." "I got boo boo." Zada says between her tears. "Aw. Come here." I say and Zada starts to run towards me. I pick her up and put her on my lap. "Where's your boo boo at honey?" "My knee mommy." She says pointing to her knee. I look at her knee and there's a big scratch on her knee. I look up and look at Connor. "Hey I have to go. It's getting late. I need to get the twins ready for bed. I'll see you tomorrow." Alexis says as she stands up from my bed and leaves my room. Connor then sits down next to me. "Tell. Me. What. Happened." "She wanted to go outside so we went outside and she was running around and her shoelace came untied and she then tripped." "Aw honey. Are you okay now?" I say as I hug her tightly. She then starts to nod her head. "Do you wanna watch tv honey?" Connor says and Zada nods her head. "YES!!!!" "What do you wanna watch?" I say as I grab my remote. "DOCCY." She screams at the top of her lungs. Doccy is Doc McStuffins. It's her favorite tv show she watches it all the time. Me and Connor find it really annoying because that's all she watches. "Okay honey." I say as I go on to the recordings and click Doc McStuffins. "YAYAY." Zada screams as she starts to watch the tv. She watches about 2 episodes until she falls asleep in my arms. I don't even change her out of her clothes, I just put her in the middle of bed and give her a kiss on the forehead. Me and Connor then lay beside her. "I'm gonna go to bed too." I say as I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Enjoy 🙌

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