November 15th, 1914

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It's getting colder and colder! And my mother has stopped speaking, again...

It's been a month since we received a telegraph, and I'm beginning to think the worst has happened.

I keep on trying to cheer my mother up, but when she's lost hope, it's hard to change her mood.

And for myself? Well... I've gotten sadder and worried, everyday I wake up and think 'maybe we've gotten news!' But nothing happens.

But I can't lose hope, I don't want to end up like my mother.

I met a friend, who's father went off to war as well, she's around the same age, a very kind lady.

We both meet at town every week, it's good to have someone to relate to, especially in a time like this.

And I've been telling her about my mother as well, expressing my concerns, and she says I should accept it, and that she'll speak once she gets some news.

I hope so, because I feel very alone.

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