1:The Beginning of The Cure

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No pov

In the middle of the country is a house home to three people a man a woman and a child a family all of them outside running around having fun not knowing that they are being watched especially watching Y/n the boy that is laughing while running away from his dad as he tried to catch Y/n soon he caught Y/n as they both laughed then Y/n's mom walked to them holding something to eat they sat on the ground enjoying the food soon the sun started to go down they then went inside and all went to bed then multiple figures appeared soldiers in black looking armor  

In the middle of the country is a house home to three people a man a woman and a child a family all of them outside running around having fun not knowing that they are being watched especially watching Y/n the boy that is laughing while running aw...

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(I am putting down what they look like because I don't want to explain what they look like)

they approached the door as one of them spoke

Soldier1: All right are orders are clear retrieve the boy and eliminate the parents.

After he said that they entered they then split into two groups the first group went to Y/n's when they entered his room he was fast asleep one them walked up to him then there was two gunshots that woke Y/n as he opened his eyes and saw the blackwatch soldier Y/n was about to scream but the soldier quickly put a rag that has chloroform on it over his mouth Y/n started to struggle but soon started to fall under the effects of the chloroform as he becomes unconscious the soldier picked him up and put him over his shoulder and carried him out of the house two of the blackwatch soldiers had gas cans pouring their contents on the floor  

Soldier4: Really glad we were told to torch the place I sometimes like burning things.

Soldier3: Shut up and make sure the place can light up like dry wood.

Soldier4: Yeah yeah.

Once they were done one of them made a trail of gas and lit it and soon the house was set a light and they all left taking Y/n with them


Y/n soon started to wake up as he was strapped to a metal table he then started to panic as he started call for his parents four people entered the room Y/n was in all wearing white coats  

Scientist1: Okay Subject Alpha Omega seems to be in one piece at least still can't believe they got him here without completely harming him.   

Scientist2: We are going to have to be careful with the subject he is one of a kind remember?

Scientist3: I still can't believe how top secret this project is.

Scientist4: Enough talking we got tests to do let test 1 begin.

Soon screams of ungodly pain came from the room Y/n was now in as they started to do number of tests on him


Two years later Y/n was now eight years old with stiches all around his body with bags under his eyes not getting enough sleep they would do all kinds of things to Y/n like remove organs and placing tech in it and putting it back or replace old ones with tech and in truth one of his eyes is now robotic the scientists came in and started to cut him up and putting him back together he was now used to the pain as they done it multiple times

Scientist1: It seems we done all we could with the subject.

Scientist2: Crap it has been two f!#$ing years and we haven't got close to the goal

Scientist3: How about we use the tech that we used on the last one?

Scientist1: And I believe I said last time that it is experimental the last test subject died in three seconds once we added it into him.

Scientist4: But Alpha Omega is unique it could work on him? 

They all looked at Y/n as they all agreed to do so later Y/n was placed in a different room with all kinds of different machines in it more scientist were on this as well as they placed him on a table and after two years he started to scream like he once did before the pain he was feeling was ten times more painful then the last time a few hours later he was breathing hard as he was now in a type of armor

They all looked at Y/n as they all agreed to do so later Y/n was placed in a different room with all kinds of different machines in it more scientist were on this as well as they placed him on a table and after two years he started to scream like ...

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Scientist4: Huh he is still alive.

Scientist1: Yes but we are only a step closer then before.*smiles*

All scientists: What?

Then the door to the room was busted open as blackwatch troops entered and started to point their guns at all the scientists

Scientist1: Your help was appreciated but now we are force to shall we say remove all of you

Scientist2: John what the hell are you doing?

The now named John smiled as he spoke

John: Sorry but Gentech and Blackwatch can't risk knowledge of Alpha Omega getting out so we need get rid of all you it was nice knowing all of you.

John bowed a little as he looked at the blackwatch troops

John: Take care of them boys and once your done bring Alpha to my lab.

Then John walked out as screams of the scientists were heard as well as gunshots John just continued walk to his lab as he smiled

John: Oh being a head scientist of Gentech is so much fun sometimes.

The smile never left as he was thinking about the most perfect weapon he was going to make

(Okay there chapt 1 is done hope you enjoyed see you on the next darklightkiller out) 

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