2: The test of Whitelight

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John was in his lab trying to improve Y/n he gave him weapons of his own making had Y/n test them out Y/n has became something mindless in a way he would obey any order given to him be it killing people or burning things down he would not complain or anything he would do as he was told to and after a few more years the blacklight virus came around and started to wreak havoc then Alex Mercer started to cause problems for Blackwatch and Gentech John was going to send Y/n after him but decided against it believing it would be a bad idea knowing Alex Mercer's ability to consume other living things so John kept Y/n far away from Alex John was surprised to learn that Alex sacrificed himself to save New York City but he doubted he was dead knowing about his regenerative abilities so Y/n was still kept a secret so Mercer doesn't find out John with Y/n or Alpha Omega as he is now being called to New York as it is now being called New York Zero or NYZ John continued his work to improve Y/n soon a second outbreak came quite a few people died but for John he wasn't surprised he had a feeling something like this would happen soon Blackwatch and Gentech started to have guinea pigs to use this had made John's work so much easier as he could use one of the civilians instead of Y/n and it would make sure all that work he has done was not ruined then whitelight something that was being made to eradicate the blacklight virus he had found it a good plan but decided to take a few samples of it just incase something was going to happen they were not finished yet but John was smart so he already took care of it and soon started inject Y/n with the whitelight and Y/n's body soon accepted it and John started to do test all of them going past all his expectations Y/n's new improved body would adapt to anything John used on him but there was one thing John was not happy about is that Y/n could not consume anything like he wanted but was happy about Y/n being able to destroy anything with blacklight which is an A+ in John's book but soon started to find a way for Y/n to consume other living things but that problem became nothing  quickly as John got a sample of blacklight from someone like Alex not only that it was a good sample at that and John injected it into Y/n the whitelight fought it as the blacklight tried to eat it but the whitelight adapted and changed gaining and giving Y/n the ability of consuming John soon sent Y/n out to get the DNA of other infected creatures after he was done John heard there was others like Alex and then sent Y/n to hunt down one of the unique infected beings

Natasha pov

I was in the red zone waiting for orders from the emo named Alex Mercer when I first met him I was scared shitless but there was a choice to join him and live so I immediately took it so yeah wanted to live and there a smell shockwave next to me on the roof of the skyscraper I was on believing it was a evolved I turned around but what shocked me was it wasn't a evolved it was a man in a type of armor with a rifle on his back

I was in the red zone waiting for orders from the emo named Alex Mercer when I first met him I was scared shitless but there was a choice to join him and live so I immediately took it so yeah wanted to live and there a smell shockwave next to me o...

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We were just looking at each for a little bit and then he spoke

Armored man: Are you a blacklight infected?

I was surprised shocked and a little bit weirded out by this guy's question one he asked me that two he sounded like someone with no emotion at all and three he would just ask someone that but I just smiled a told him the truth

Natasha: Yep and a proud one at..

Before I finished he draw out his gun out started firing I was shocked at this and moved out of the way but I still got hit and it hurt like hell so he must be a new type of soldier for Blackwatch and Gentech I then turned my arms into claws and rushed him but before rip him to shreds he hit me with the butt of his gun and I was sent back to the edge of the roof I can say one thing this guy is going to be tough to take down I then transformed my arm into the whipfist and sent it right at him and he caught it with his hands he may not have been cut in half like I wanted but he still fall into my trap as I yanked the whipfist back and he came right towards me I then turned my other arm into a blade and cut off his arm and consumed it my aim to cut him in half but still good enough for me but a few seconds later I as in unimaginable pain like something was trying to eat me from the inside out I then looked at the armored man and I was soon shocked as tendrils started to reform his arm it was like the evolved but they were white and blue his arm as now back as he soon walked towards me his weapon ready to kill but then I soon got some of his memories as I saw a scientist that was named John but that was the only thing he know about him and I soon started to find a way to get out of this as my new now plan was made

Natasha: I work for blackwatch!

He soon stopped and looked at me

Armored man: Explain.

I was somewhat relieved that he was now listening

Natasha: John has sent me out here so to test your abilities and you have passed also he needs you to tell him you have killed me understand?

Armored man: Understood returning to base.

I was now shocked and happy that he bought it he then left leaving me alone after a while I managed to get rid of the pain and soon looked into of the memories of the man that nearly killed me and was soon shock that he was made to be a weapon against the blacklight virus I mean I would get behind that in a way but he was taken when he was a child and experimented on to make him how he is now also found out his name is Y/n rather charming if I do say so myself also he works for the strong Y/n says in his own way so if I kill this John I could have Y/n and have a way to get away from Mercer I soon smiled and went to the yellow zone since that is where f#%$face John is now I couldn't wait to kill this guy

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