Attempted Kit-napping

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After Mary cleared out the BFG facility, she returned to Hayden's office to pet her little kitty.

'EEEE!!! I can't wait to get back to my precious wittle baby!!'

Suddenly, Doomgirl was ripped out of her thoughts by the sound of a feminine chuckle that she hadn't heard before. 'Huh, demons don't normally chuckle, unless this is a person which seems unlikely. Whatever, I'll go check it out.'

Mary turned the corner where she heard the chuckling, and saw a demon she hadn't seen before. A female with grey skin, horns, and glowing red eyes. It wore green armor with a super shotgun on its waist. The demon was chuckling because it was holding something. 'Haven't seen a female demon since the mother of all demons during my clean-up mission on Phobos. I'll have to be careful with that gun it has.' 

Mary started to tip-toe towards the demon when she heard her kitten's voice. "U-u-umm, Miss demon, c-can you please let me g-go?" Mary's eyes widened, her baby was being handled by a demon! This demon is done for.

  Y/N was blushing hard because the demon was petting him between the ears. He was also really nervous because he had heard about demons being evil, but this one seemed nice so far. "Awww, you're so cute. Where did you come from sweetie?" "I came from D-Dr. Hayden's office." "Why are out here by yourself?" "I w-wanted to find M-Mary" "Mary?"

*Chk* *Chk*

"He's talking about me bitch!" Mary was snarling like a dog, staring at the demon who was fondling her kitten.

The demon whipped her around in surprise, she had heard that voice before, when she was still human. 'Shit, it's the slayer! What on earth is she doing here?' 

"Mary! I-It's you!" Y/N wrestled out of the demon's grip and ran to the slayer, hugging her leg and purring. "I w-was s-s-so worried I w-wouldn't see you again." 

Mary picked up Y/N and her cheek against his. "You're so cute my little kitten. I'm glad to know you're worried about me, but what in the world are doing outside of Hayden's office?"

Y/N knew he had goofed and started crying. "I-I'm sorry M-Mary. I j-just wanted t-t-to see you again." Y/N pressed his head against her chest to hide his embarrassment .

This was the only moment the Slayer shared a similar sentiment with a demon in all her years of living. 


The demon realized she couldn't beat the slayer, and she really wanted to see this cutie again, so she decided to dip out while she had the chance. "Hehe, I can't wait to see you again kitten." She then swung her crucible axe to create a portal and escaped.

"Damn, I'll get you next time bitch." Mary looked down at the blushing kitty boy held to her chest and grinned. "But for now, I've got to get you back to Hayden's office so we can cuddle."

Y/N looked up in embarrassment at Mary, face red and steaming. He spoke timidly, "O-Ok Mary". He then quietly said, "I-I love y-you".

Mary squealed in joy and ran off to Hayden's office with her little flustered cat boy.

To Be Continued...

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 20, 2021 ⏰

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