Question #4

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Grace_Space says:

"Hey, so since the multiverse is a thing I'm starting to think I got transported into the wrong dimension. Now I'm stucm trying to find which one is my Dad. I'm guessing it's not you? Also any advice for getting back to my dimension?????"

Hmm, Are you that "your daughter in the fanfiction" that avenger_spiderman kept talking about?

God! You're that girl? He kept on asking me If I have a daughter because of that. It's entirely your fault, young lady! Now, he doesn't believe me that I don't have a daughter.

Sorry, dear. Cause even if I have one, I promised Pepper we would name our child, Morgan... whether it be a boy or a girl. Not Grace.

About that Multiverse you've mentioned. I don't believe I've encountered such! If it's true thee's a Multiverse then this App... Son of a B****!

Sorry, kid. I should talk to the others about this. Multiverse and such?! That would be a bigger threat if ever it's true.

I don't understand yet. I'll get back to you on that.

To conclude your actual question, I am not your father and I don't have any idea about the multiverse yet. It has always been theoretical. Let me talk to Dr. Banner about that, alright?

And please, don't tolerate Spider-man's ditching school. I think he's reading too much of your fanfictions that he's skipping classes.

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