Ducky's back and taking oneshot requests... isn't that great?

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Okay so after a rather lenghty hiatus, I'm back again.

And seeing as I have some very loyal readers I want to explain to you why I was away for so long...

So I have a new job, it's 24/7 and it's the best I've had in my life. I'm a mum now to a beautiful 4 and a half month old baby boy and he is my inspiration. He's a healthy and extremely happy little boy, he's just started to roll from his back to front a few weeks ago (yeah two months early! :o) and I'm so proud to call him mine, though he does keep me very busy so you guys will have to bear with me on updates.

Anyways I'm a little out of practice with my writing so I kind of wanted a few shorts to practice with and I thought "Hey, why not give back to the readers who have stuck by me" (even though I've been really sucky with updates). So in return I'm going to craft for you your own little story.

So heres what I need from you (None of the information given has to be personally about you I just need a breif outline to build from if you do not feel comfortable giving any information at all (i.e. your name) just use another. It's purely for me to build a story around)

So if you're interested copy and paste the filled out form into the comment section or a private message and I'll get to work. I hope to release one of these at least every other Sunday.




Looks: (Hair colour and style, eye colour, build etc.)

Love interest: I'm happy to research anyone although it would go against every fibre of my being to write about someone from One Direction or Justin Beiber, those are really my only limitations.


Setting/synopsis: So give me a breifing on what kind of story you want e.g. Do you want to be a student in a school where you're b.o.c attends? Or do you want to be a hunter in a Supernatural fanfic chasing after your father? Maybe you want to be the girl next door? And doesn't everybody just love a forbidden romance like Romeo and Juliet? Just a breif back story so I can get a feel of what you want.


Note: Some of these aspects will be tweaked and changed but I will try to stick as much to what you want as possible.

First Come First Served: Although I will make all possible efforts to release your story as soon as possible, if I have a queue of about 6 people it may take a while before I get to you, although I will do my best to keep you updated.

Finally thanks for reading, guys and thanks for being so awesome :)

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