Chapter 4: Thoughts in the mist.

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It was getting late so they both began to head out, making their way through the sea of knocked out goons all the way to the door. But the huntress stopped right before the exit and turned to Pryte.

- Let's exchange our numbers. It would be dumb to work together with no way to contact each other, she stated as she held out her scroll.

He handed her his before taking it and typing in his number. Once he finished, he took back his scroll. The contact was named "Yang Xiao Long".

- Safe to assume your name is Yang? he said, to which she nodded.

- It's a pleasure to meet you, Pryte. Call me when you find something, she says before turning to walk down the street.

Pryte got back into his pick-up before hitting his head on the dented roof, realizing that Yang hadn't payed for the damage. But just as he was about to exit the vehicle, a blur of yellow passed by him. He barely had the time to recognize the blonde as she turned a corner, now out of view.

Darn it, guess I'll have to live with it, he thought as he let out a sigh, starting the engine and drove towards the Mearter residence.

Small time skip

As he pulls into the driveway, he uses a remote to open the garage door, parking his car inside before turning off the engine and getting out. As he entered the house, he was met by Rosaline, one of the two owners of the house, who was way too hospitable. In her hands is a plate with a sandwich on it. She handed it over to him as she shushes Pryte and pointing upstairs, silently telling him that her husband, Doul, is asleep.

Pryte gently nodded as he silently walked to the kitchen to eat his meal. Once done, he took a quick shower before returning to his car, going into the backseat and fall asleep.


Where am I? Pryte thought as he looked around at the forest that surrounded him.

Nothing but large trunks, dark bushes and a slight fog going on as far as the eye could see. Not a single sound to be heard, not even his own breathing. But then he saw a dark humanoid blur coming from behind a tree, and Pryte began to run when it dashed towards him, nearly tripping on a few roots. He fell as one of the roots grabbed his leg, putting him face-to-face with a mirror in which he could see a younger and bruised version of himself. He reached out for him when he saw the shadowy figure rise behind the child, holding up a glowing red katana blade with a large hilt. He tried to warn the kid but nothing came out as he watched the blade connect, a pain shooting across his back.


Pryte sat up as he awoke quite abruptly, taking a second to look around. He's in his pick-up truck, weapons by his side, morning light flowing into the garage. The scar on his back gave him a burning pain, probably pulled a muscle during the fight.

A nightmare, that's all it was, he thought as he rubbed his left shoulder to ease the pain. It's just another nightmare, a change from the usual for sure, but a harmless bad dream none the less, he continued to reason himself as he reached for the large hoodie he's owned for the past ten years to cover himself before making his way out of the garage and to the kitchen.

- Well would you look at that. The party animal woke up on his own, said the mocking yet friendly voice of Doul, before taking a sip of his coffee.

- What happened to you last night? asked Rosaline as she balanced three plates over to the table. Your truck is trashed and you won't let us pay anything, she adds with a look of worry across her face.

- Well, don't worry about that anymore, alright? Pryte started softly. I got myself a job.

~End of Chapter 4~

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2019 ⏰

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