You ask them to buy you period products (Hyung Line)

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Y/N🌹: Uhm oppa?

Binnie🐥: Yes princess?

Y/N🌹: Will you please go to the store for me?

Binnie🐥🌹: Of course. What do you need?

Y/N🌹: uhm uh it's embarrassing.

Binnie🐥🌹: You know you can tell me anything.

Y/N🌹: I know that but this is different it's a girl thing

Binnie🐥: Oh I get it know I'll go get you some pads and some chocolate and I'll getting the heating pad ready when I get back so you can rest okay princess.

Y/N🌹: Thank you so much oppa. I love you 💖.

Binnie🐥: I love you to my princess 💖.



Y/N💖: Junnnnnnnn

Junniebear🐻: Y/nnnnnnnnn

Y/N💖: I need you to do me a favor.

Junniebear 🐻: Oh. And that is?

Y/N💖: Drive me to the store please

Junniebear 🐻: Yes. But why?

Y/N💖: Girl stuff 😳😣

Junniebear 🐻: Don't you worry your pretty little head

Y/N💖: What??

Junniebear 🐻: I'll go to the store get you some pads and tampons and some snacks and then we can have a movie night with the boys how does that sound.

Y/N💖: That sounds absolutely amazing thank you so much Junnie I love you so much💖.

Junniebear 🐻: I love you more 💖💖.

I finally updated again 💖💖 I love you

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