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Sayings - Normal
'Thought' - Italic
*Action* - Bold


-Tower of Heaven-

The group is in front of the huge tower. Simon drops Y/n without any care. This causes the boy to wake up slowly. He sits up and tries to move his hands, but it was chain up behind his back. He stood up and stare at the tower.

"What is this?" Y/n asks without removing his eyes from the building.

"Tower of Heaven, also known as R-System. There's a ceremony later at night. He chooses you to be the sacrifice of it," Shô said.

"R in the R-System stands for Ridiculous. Why are you guys doing this?" Y/n asked Shô.

"Erza has to pay the price of betrayal. Jellal said we'll get you, although Erza gets a special honor. Jellal also said he has some connection to you and Erza. At least, you are going to help us to go to heaven," Shô said.

"Erza betraying people? Tell me how," Y/n said.

"She escapes from the slavery in this tower all by herself, leaving us alone. Thankfully, Jellal helped us," Shô said.

"All of you are still slaves," Y/n said. Shô, Simon, Wally, and a girl who's with them look at the kid.

"You said a while ago that 'Jellal said'. The information wasn't based on what you personally saw or heard. Someone told you. You fall into lies of someone-" Y/n sentence was cut off when Simon tie the mouth of the kid and chain his feet. They enter the building until they reach a mini jail.

"You stay here, " Simon chain the hands of Y/n above his head.

"Just wait, you like helping people right? Now you are!" Shô said as he got near to Y/n and removes the cloth from his mouth.

"Helping with what?" Y/n asked.

"Resurrecting someone, can't tell ya," Shô said. Y/n sense trouble and he never wants to be involved in it, especially when Erza is in.

"I don't know you people and R-System is, but what you are doing can be too dangerous!" Y/n said.

"I didn't expect that you know something about the building," Shô said smirking at Y/n.

"Jellal told us that he will help us to go to the tower by sacrificing you. If we use the R-System, the world will be reborn," Shô said before walking away. The kid watches him before he turns into his shadow form. He carefully roams around, passing the lights as much as possible. After few jail cells, he saw Happy chained up. He merges his shadow with Happy.

"*whispers* Cat," Y/n called.

"Y/n?" Happy answer as he looks around.

"*whispers* I'm with your shadow," Y/n said. "*whispers* If I break the chain, get us out of here and find a window for us to escape."

Happy nod as an answer. Y/n go back into his normal form. He grabs the chains from the cat's legs.


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