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It was a Friday.

The day I usually went to the library on Thursdays but today, it was special.

I had to look for a book for a friend.

She wanted this book called 'Clockwork Angel '

'Clockwork Angel'...

'Clockwork Angel'...


I was scrolling through a page on the computer after searching for the book on their computer.








Found it.

I could not believe my eyes. It wasn't the fact that I had finally found the book. But the fact that it was all the way at the top shelf.


I hate being short sometimes.

If only I could...

I thought to myself as I tiptoed and tried to reach the top shelf.

"Here. Let me."I heard a deep voice behind me.

Then, a tanned hand appeared and reached for the book.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

Smiling, I took the book from his hands and smiled satisfyingly.

"Hey. No problem."

Looking up, I saw it was a really cute guy. He was dressed in a black shirt ad jeans. He had this goofy smile an his face and his jet black hair was in a quiff.

He's so hot.

This thought went to to my mind and blood rushed to my cheeks and I blushed.

"You look cure when you blush," he blurted.


Peering up at him, I realised he was blushing too.

I blushed harder.

"You like to read?" He commented.

"Yea." I replied.

"That. That's a really good book."

"Yea? I'm borrowing it from my friend."

"Oh? Well, you should really read it too."



Just then, he said,"Aha."


I realised, he was referring to the book he found. He picked out a book called' City of Bones'.

"Were you looking for that?"


"Oh that's a nice book."


"Yea. I bought the book."

"How about this. Let's see, who can read this book faster."

"Hmm..." I thought.

Why is he asking me?

What does he want from me?


"So can I have your number?"

"Well, I guess." I gave him the number while he entered it into his phone.

He asked," What's your name?"

"Blair. What's yours?"

"You... you don't know me?"

"Well, should I?"

"Do you know the band 'One Direction'?"

"Erm. No."

"Oh. I'm from that band. You really never heard of 'One Direction'?"

"Nope," I popped the p," I'm more of a bookworm."

"Hmm. Well, I guess I'll see you around!" He winked at me before walking away, leaving me dazed at his dazzling smile and his cute wink.

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