Liam's death

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It was the year 2017. One Direction had been disbanded. Well, not exactly disbanded.

Would it count if almost all the members had died?

Niall? He committed suicide due to the hate. The girls mourned. But management carried on.

Louis? He died in a car crash. Yet again the girls mourned but management felt that they could carry on. So they did, for their fans, not really having a a choice.

Harry. He couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't take the heartache deep in his chest because of the loss of his bestest friends, brothers. So that was when management said, "No."

Zayn? He was murdered in his house. His family had kept it a secret. No one else knew except for Liam.

Liam. Well, he wasn't dead physically. But he was broken. He had started to distance himself away from life and it eventually led to his break up with his girlfriend.

Liam. The most sensible one of all. He had been considered the mature one of the band. He knew that he'll do whatever it takes to make the fans happy again. But with him broken, with his heart shattered to pieces, even he can't be happy again.

His brothers were gone.

That day, he sat in his car thinking.

Thinking about why didn't he see Niall breaking. Thinking about why he hadn't prevented Louis death. Thinking about why did Zayn got murdered. Thinking about why he hadn't seen the suisidal signs from Harry.

He started the car and started driving to no place in particular. It was late, not a car in sight.

He continued thinking.

It was his fault for not seeing Niall's signs. If he had, he wouldn't have died.

It was his fault for letting Louis drink late at night. If he hadn't, he would not get into that fatal accident.

It was his fault for not letting Harry go to see Louis one last time at his funeral. If he had, he woukdnt be that upset anf had a proper closure.

It was his fault for asking Zayn to go home earlier. If he hadn't, he wouldn't have gotten killed.

It was all his fault.

That was what he thought. A small part of him knew that it wasn't all his fault. It was management fault. But because of the boys death, many fans had comitted suiside. Without our music, we couldn't keep them alive. We couldn't keep them happy. And it was all his fault.

He had unknowingly driven to the beach the boys had shot their first music video. He sighed deeply as he saw his reflection in the water that was waist deep.

He had been to depressed that he hadn't bothered to shave, thus a visible unshaven chin. There were dark bags hanging below his lifeless brown eyes and his hair was in all over the place as he hadn't bothered tj even comb his hair.

He sat down on the sand and started to think about all the times they had spent together, happy.

A single tear fell with a plop in the calm water from his tired eyes due to the lack of sleep. Slowly, with his head clouded with those memories, he started moving through the water.

By the time, the water level was up till his neck, visible streaks of tears were present on his pale cheeks.

Just then, he took a step forward without realising the missing path ahead.

He started falling.

And falling.

And falling.

He could feel his lungs bursting wanting oxygen in them. But he waved it away when he remembered Niall's hearty laughter.

He knew he was going down.

And down.

And down.

But he didn't care.

He closed his eyes and smile when he saw Harry's cheeky smile.

"Liam!" He heard Zayn called out for him and he immediately turned around.

White. Everything was white.

"You finally here." He saw Louis beamed at him with the Harry standing beside him, Zayn smiling and Niall laughing.


A/N: Guys. Please. I begging you here. Comment please. God. I need to know if I'm bad or not. If not I'm seriously considering to delete this story. Please.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2014 ⏰

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