Chapter Five: James... erm, Delta

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I LOVE UPDATING! I missed writing. :( Sorry if the last chapter was short. The chapter after this one is going to be a lot longer, but it will take a couple days for me to update. Love to all my readers!


James' POV:

                       Okay, okay, let's get something straight right now. My name is Delta, D-E-L-T-A. Not James. I hate that name. So let's do this again riggggghhht.... NOW!

Delta's POV: (Much better)

                       "Locked....Locked....Locked....Lock- Screw this." I sighed in exasperation and ran my hand through my already disheveled hair (One of the side effects of being kidnapped in the middle of the night). "Of course they unlock the one room I'm in and lock all the others." I sigh again and then paste a goofy grin on my face. I never let my emotions show, I let everyone think that I'm some happy go-lucky kid.

 ^Happy? Yeah right.^ Hey, I think it actually works.

^ *Mental snort* ^ I sigh. My voice is really annoying. Not my voice, the voice tha- Never mind.

       Pale pink carpeting? Really? I shake my head. Oh well, some people just can't decorate. hey, what's that down the hall? I think I see some people. The don't look like the people who kidnapped me. They look more like they were also kidnapped.

"Hey! Hey you two!" They whip around and look at me. I swear the girl looks like she's about to attack me.

^Nice first impression^ Shuddup.

"Whoa, whoa. Let's calm down here." I back away with my hands in the good old 'I surrender!' position.

"Who are you?" Geez, that girl is feisty.

" James Hilton, at your service." The boy shifted his weight nervously. He seems to be trying to figure out what to do.

"Leslie Banks, at yours. And this is Charlie...."

"Low. Charlie Low." Ah, the blond speaks! The Leslie chick seems to be in charge here. Hm, I wonder if they're dating? Nah, it doesn't seem like that.

"Charlie and I were just looking for a way out of here. What are you doing, James?" I chuckle softly.

"Who wouldn't want to get away from this horrible decorating! Anywhore, I prefer Delta, actually."

"Why?" Nosy little girl isn't she? "And you didn't answer my question." I sigh for, what, the third time today?

"James is my father's name, and I want nothing to do with him. Delta was my nickname, since I'm the fourth child in my family and the delta is the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet. As for what I'm doing, I'm trying to find a way out of the hell hole."

Suddenly, before anyone can move or say anything, men grab us from behind. They look a lot like the guys who kidnapped me. They begin dragging us down the hallway. Three men have one hand over our mouths and one around our waists. there are also four guards ahead of us and four behind us. Another man in a business suit is walking beside us. He has slick, oily black hair and large, round reflective sun glasses.  Much to my annoyance, the man begins talking to us, or rather, to himself, since none of us are really listening.

"You're probably wondering why you're here. Well, you're here for a project. Project night Storm, to be precise. The project's beginning phase is to create three small armies, consisting of twenty-four teenagers each. One for each Greek letter, and three armies for the three most important Greek gods." The man pauses to clear his throat.

"The second, is to teach each of you about your own special powers. Yes, you have powers. Take, for instance one boy here. He is extremely fast and agile. Although not fast enough for it to be inhuman. But here, we are going to enhance your powers."  At this point, he turns, the dim light of the chandeliers glinting off of his reflective glasses.

"Here, our goal is to take the ordinary, and make it extraordinary." He turns forward again here and continues.

"Phase three. We use these three armies, or Tresses, as we call them here, and annihilate our enemies." The guards stop and finally release us. He turns again, his back to two enormous wooden door. Each carved with excruciating detail. The carvings showed pictures of great battles. One stood out particularly to me. A small, apparently wooden, horse. The Trojan War. My eyes widen as I realize, this is the history of Greece, or at least the great battles fought.

"And now, you will meet you're leader." The man pushed in a small carved dove. And the big doors swing open.



Did you like it? I actually began this chapter the day after I published the last one, I just finished it today. Anywho, I'm sincerely sorry for the wait. we've been moving and I've had exams... so... um...yeah.

Did anyone note the Greek mythoi*? if not, you didn't read :) No, this isn't one of those stories where Greek Gods are real. The story is just intertwined with mythoi* and you'll find out why in the next chapter.

*Mythoi..... Another word for myth. Traditionally used to describe the first stories of the Gods passed down orally, or by way of story telling.

(and I actually remembered all of that from classics :) )

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