The ghost pirate of the seas

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Millions of years ago, a pirate ship roamed the seas, filled with pirates. Of course everybody knew that pirates filled the ship. But not just any pirates. Ghost pirates. These pirates took over the sea filling there ships of forgotten treasure. Now, many people know full well that there would only be male pirates, but did you know only one female pirate showed on the ship. She was know to be the bravest of them all, even dealing with the mighty kracken itself for no one else could. She was the caption. Now she was quiet different then the rest of the crew, everyone had a pale white color, she was a mint green. Ever wondered why? Well, before her death, she was shot but another ship falling into the arctic cold ocean, with her fear of water yet she was a pirate, she drowned. The other crew mates died right on the ship but she was the one who fell. Everyone tries to find her body but no one can, her body sunk to the bottom were no one could get or find it. Even her crew mates ask her, why was she scared of the water, she never told them for her fear of laughter from them, it was a sad tale for her, her fear came to her oldest brothers death in the waves, the cursed waves were she lived took her brother she loved and looked up to and killed him. She never set  foot to the beach were she watched the waves kill her brother, now wither her dead, she could not join her brother. She had a task to finish. And nobody knew that task ever.

She still roams the seas on the ship of ghost pirates hoping to full fill her task.


Here's another one for you guys, hope you enjoy

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