Chapter 4

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-Rays POV-

I went to Ryans to work on the project, and after about 2 hours of working we got into a tickle fight.

"Rye stop. I I cant breathe from laughing so much." I said

"I don't think so Ray." Ryan said then knocked me over and kept tickling me.

He soon stopped so that we can both catch over breathe from laughing, but he was still on top of me. After a few minutes of looking into each others eyes, he kissed me and i kissed him back moving my hand to the back of hes head.

"Ray, i im so sorry i dont know know what came over me." He said once be broke the kiss.

I gave him a quick kiss. "Its alright Rye, maybe we should finish this tomorrow. See you in school."

-Michaels POV-

Ray and i walked to school with ours hands interwinded like always. When we got to school all our friends where already there.

"Hey Michael how you feeling?" Geoff said

"Better than yesterday." I said

"Micool, Mr.R changed the project, want to work on it after school?"

I was going to put it off till tomorrow but it still have to get done so might as well do it today. "Sure you can come over after school."

"Ray we going to finish ours today?" Ryan said


"Hey geoff did you and griffion even start yours?" Gav said

"Yes, we are going to finish later i think." Geoff said

"Man i wish i had the same teacher as you guys." Jack said

We all laughed.

~time skip after school (school day is boring..)~

Gavin and i worked on homework than the project. After 3 and half hours of fooling around and doing work i made the best and worse mistake of my life. I kissed Gavin and he kissed me back.

"Gavin, i i dont know what came over me please dont tell Ray." I said a little worried

"I wont. Lets finish this tomorrow Michael." Gavin said than left

H-He said my name correctly. Has he always been able to say it correctly, but choice not to as a way as flirting with me? Why am i so stupid?! FUCK! I hope he doesn't ignore me tomorrow..

~time skip~

Instead of holding hands i put my arm around Rays shoulder, so he put hes arm around my waist and we walked to school. When we got there Gavin wasnt there.

"Hey guys. Where vav?" Ray said

"Hes home sick, called him early this morning to see if he wanted to walk with Lauren and I, he couldn't stop coughing like Michael the other day." Ryan said

"What did you to do yesterday that got him sick?" Geoff said laughing

"N-nothing what do you think we did something? We didn't do anything besides work." I said nervously

"Babe what going on" Ray said

"Nothing absoluely nothing why?"  I said

"Tell me what the fuck in going on, NOW!" Rays said removing hes had my my waist and backing up a little

I sighed knowing i had to tell him now. "Last night, when we were working on the project, i i kissed Gavin, he may or may not have kissed me back.." i said

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