chapter 7

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~Gavins POV~

"Cant believe that Michael is really going to join the team." I said taking out my chemistry book. We are all - expect Michael - at Ryans house studying for our chemistry test tomorrow.

"I cant believe that you can pronounce hes name correctly." Ray said

"Ray you alright? You been acting meaner than usually." Ryan said. It didn't bother me that he was being mean to me. Didn't notice to much

"Yea im fne Rye, still annoyed with Michael for almost killing you. Also upset hes joining the enemy team."

"No need to take it out on Gavin, he didn't do anything wrong."

"Sorry Gavin. X-Ray and Vav forever am i right?" Ray said with much happiness in hes voice.

"Yea, X-Ray and Vav forever." I said with just as much happiness.

"Well now that thats over and done with, can we study? I dont want to fail chem." Jack said

"Jacks right." Geoff said. "I would also like to pass so my parents don't take away my xbox and stop letting you guys come over every Saturday."

"Alright. Whats the test on again?" Ryan said

"Uhmm the stock system, balancing equations, double replacement, single replacement, and writing out the chemical formulas." Jack said. "I think theres more but I'm not sure."

"Alright lets get to studying." Geoff said

We did some work sheets and the practice castle learning Mr.Z gave us. By the time dinner came around we all thought we studyed enough to pass the test. Mrs.Haywood had ordered pizza and called us down for it when we started to pack up our books. We left our books in Ryans room and went down to eat, Lauren was already eating.

"Hey guys is a true Micheal's going to join the football team come march?" Lauren said after all sat down.

"Yea." Geoff said

"Ohh, heard theres a cheerleader that has a crush on him, and she just so happens be the best friend of Blaines sister."

"You dont think that Blaine is going to force him to date her do you?" I said upset.

"Unless you can make a move first maybe. Ill ask my friend get info on the topic, she will probably know more than i do, shes social on like me."

"I can ask Caiti as well, shes friends with some of the cheerleaders."

"Wait back up? Howd you know i like Micool?" I asked Lauren confused.

"Dude its kind of obvious. How you call him 'Micool' and 'my boi' you made too obvious."

I could feel my face getting red. "Oh, didnt know it was that obvious."

"Yes." Jack said

"Yep pretty much." Ryan and Geoff said

"I knew from day one." Ray said

My face got redder, the guys and Lauren laughed. We talked and ate pizza than in my way home i decided to call Michael.

"Hello?" Michael said answering the phone

"Hey Michael."

"Hey Gavin whats up?"

"Nothing, just walking home and decide to call you, and uh i was wondering if you were free Friday night, thinking i can take you to the movies or something like on a date." 

"Oh uhm, i was going to hang with team, but, i would much rather go on a date with my boi. Where do want to go?"

"Movie than pizza?" 

"Sounds good." 

"Awesome its a date!"

"Yea it is. Ill see you tomorrow in school." 

We said good bye than hung up. When i got home on i fell onto my bed. I cant believe i have a date with Micool. This Friday will be perfect.

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