Chapter 19: Til the End of Their Days

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In the conflict now recorded as the Final Rose War, the great Estmarch Empire tore itself apart in the throes of a civil war that engulfed the Uralian continent.  Despite the flames of battle being lit by the Empire's last King and Queen, it was their scion, Prince Kaito of House Shion, who decisively ended the conflict after uniting the major powers of Uralia against the coup of the fallen Emerald Dawn.

The Treaty of Roses, signed in the spring of 1919 in the neutral territory of Westheim, saw the beginning of the restoration of many former countries that fell to the previous monarchy.  As the brief Uralian Alliance ended with the war's conclusion, many within the former Empire's borders found a long path in front of them to rebuilding their lives.  For some it was simply returning to an old trade.  For others, the experiences of war left their old livelihoods closed to them, leaving them to try and plot an uncertain future.

The entire world watched as a new King took the throne, waiting to see what would sprout from the seeds sewn by the youthful, determined ruler...

"Have you reached out to Aschenputtel yet?"

Miku stared out the sun window into the garden courtyard below, her eyes watching as a white dove alighted upon a rose bush.  She folded her hands along her knee-length grey skirt, her fingers slightly flattening out the fabric of the black checkered vest she wore over a simple white blouse.  She wasn't sure how to answer the question posed to her by the black-haired woman across from her.  Dr. Sachiko Kobayashi had been recruited from Westheim for her expertise in handling ailments of the mind.  Her crisp bronze-colored suit dress, magenta-scarf, and black rimmed glasses flaunted her credentials, but Miku had so far found the woman to be kind and humble... though very persistent.

She had her work cut out for her – Miku was not her only patient.  She met with other former Cinderellas as well.  Girls far more thoroughly broken than her.

Miku trusted the doctor.  But that didn't mean she was entirely comfortable with talking about herself yet.  Not when she still struggled to do the same with Kaito.

The psychiatrist pulled a pen out of the red flower in her black hair and rested it on the notepad in front of her.  "Have you had a chance to notify them?" she tried again.

"I'm not sure what to tell them given the circumstances."

Miku was of course trying to be delicate – certain matters still concerned national security.  The new King may be transitioning out of a position of absolute power, but his popularity did make him a visible target.  Loathe though he was to restrict his movements after having a taste of freedom, Kaito quickly grasped that he needed to preserve himself while his new country was asserting itself.

"If he died before the elections took place..." Miku murmured.

"So you haven't decided whether you're his body guard or his partner."

The green haired girl resigned herself to being caught.  "There's no judgement, Miku," Sachiko said calmly, "When we first met, you told me one of your goals was to let go of sheltering him.  To you, returning to a normal life meant never looking over your shoulder again."

It was true.  And she still wasn't there yet.  Just three months since her discharge from the hospital and she still struggled with her paranoia returning in crowds, of staring into every face and searching for the next enemy.

"I had a nightmare again.  About being in the ball.  About not being able to save him."

"Did you try what we discussed?"

"Deep breathing exercises, affirmations... I didn't have to wake him up this time."

The doctor made a note and smiled proudly at her patient.  "I'm glad.  Your last nightmare was two weeks ago.  You're making progress."

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