하나 ᴄʜᴘ.1

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This is the first chapter, I'm so excited. Sorry if it's short😅

Monday were the actually devil for Jungkook. He absolutely hated them. Why? You ask, well he always had trouble coming from a relaxing Sunday to homework-loaded Monday.But atleast they were just one week away from summer holidays. Something he was looking forward to. Mainly because Taehyung said he would come too, and Taehyung hardly came for any of the groups trip, like ever. So this was a suprise for him.

Dragging himself out of bed, he changed quickly and ran downstairs for breakfast. On the table there was, rice, kimchi, banchan, jjigae and gim. Jungkook sat down quickly ate till he was almost full, then picked up his bag, said bye and ran through the front door. Arriving at school he saw Jin and Hoseok discussing something by Mrs.Ahn's classroom door. He hurried over to them to ask them what they were talking about. "What are you guys talking about" he asked them, wondering whether it had anything to do with the summer break. "Umm....Nothing", Hoseok replied hurriedly."Right Jin?" "Yeah of course." said Jin nervously. "Okay", Jungkook replied doubtedly. Waving goodbye bye to them he went in search for the rest of the guys.

After Mr.Oh's class Jungkook then sees Taehyung and Jimin sitting by the benches near the school's pride tree. He went to sit next to them when Taehyunh suddenly get up and leaves. He walks over to Jimin what that was all about. "What's wrong with Tae", he asks curiously. "Oh, nothing we were just arguing about something", Jimin replies. "About what?", Jungkook inquires, his curiousity soaring even higher. "Well, you know the way Tae said he would come for the groups summer trip well he just said that he didn't feel like coming" Jimin says. " So I tell him it's not fair because we've hardly ever went on a group trip" Jimin continues "Not since the big incident" Jimin finishes wearily. " Maybe I could try talking to him and y'know, maybe convince him to change his mind" Jungkook says, doubting his own words. Everyone knows how hard it has been to convince Taehyung to do anything, especially since what happened last year.
" You can try, but Tae is very stubborn" Jimin adds. " See at lunch Jimin", Jungkook says, walking away in search Taehyung. Hopefully he can get him to chand his mind.


Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful day


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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2019 ⏰

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