First Day!

423 17 13

Ink's POV

I woke up to my blaring alarm, I could hear Paint moving around in another room, and my Mum had moved down the street a few years back. We had moved to live closer to our mother, but we didn't live together. But today was the day!

Today i move out of this small house and go into a dorm at Underhigh! My new highschool!! Although I'm a bit worried, they said that they don't separate dorms by genders, so that people may get along better, I feel like that will just cause alot of issues but eh. At least my old friend was there, his name is Cross! I've known him since we were 5! We both went to kindergarten together and sooner or later became best friends!

I had everything packed up in four large suitcases, with my huge paint brush on my back.

I walk out and see Paint, my older brother, making breakfast. I walk over and sit down.

"Hey, what's cookin?"

I asked, he grumbled.

"It's beggs and nacon..."

I snicker, he must be still half asleep for him to get the words eggs and bacon wrong...

I set down the cases by the front door, and when I come back the food is on the table and Paint is drinking coffee.

I sat down and ate quickly, I was very hungry.

I got up and hugged Paint, he had to go to work soon though, and I had to go to my new school, so he kissed my on my forehead and patted my back.

"If you need anything, call me. If you're bullied, call me. If anything happens to you, call me. Call me at least once a day."

"Geez Paint! I'll call once a week, don't get so worked up!"

I giggled.

"I know, I know. It's just... Your gowing up too fast. I remember seeing you as a little baby, and it's like the next day your going to highschool, probably the next day your going to be married.."

I started to laugh.

"Don't worry Paint! I'll be fine! I'm not getting married any time soon."

He let go and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Ink, promise me that you will at least find a good man for yourself, that will be good and take care of you, and be good for you."

A little blush made it across my face.

"Paint! I don't need anyone like that! I will be fine!"

"Nope, you gotta promise me."

"F-fine... I promise I'll find someone..."

I grumbled a few other things under my breath.

He hugged me again before grabbing his own suitcase and running out the door.

I walked to my new school, and the new place I'll be living. It was early, about 6:09. The sun wasn't out yet, the moon was still shining high. I went up to the doors, I got up early so I could check out the school, a few others were doing this too. It just turns out that my brother has to go to his job at about the same time. He owns a store that sells cookies and small cakes, so I'm lucky because he sometimes brings free food.

I looked down at my classes, and up in the corner of the sheets had the location of my dorm.

I looked down at my classes, and up in the corner of the sheets had the location of my dorm

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What A Beautiful Day... (Ink X Cross)Where stories live. Discover now