Ch.1 Goodbyes

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"Welcome to All Smiles And More Orphanage!! Feel free to ask them questions or look in the nursery." It's the same thing every weekend, adoption day. I'm Grace and I'm 14 years old I have blond hair with blue dip-dyed ends and ocean blue eyes. I also have a little 5 year old brother, Trey. Today for some reason felt off. I don't know why but I just shrugged it off. My thoughts were interrupted by Ms. Stacey. She hates me. "Grace, go pack up your brothers stuff, he got adopted." She said as she glared at me. I probably look stupid just standing here, so I told her "No." I think I made her mad and I'm sure I'll get it later, but she grabbed my arm and dragged me to her office and closed the door so no one can see her slap me. She repeated herself and I said "yes ma'am."

I walked up the stairs to our room that we shared and started packing his stuff. A little later Trey came up to our room and asked me what was going on. I took one look at him and just started crying and told him he was getting adopted. But I don't think he understood exactly why that meant , because he started rambling on and on about all the thing WE would be able to do together. I looked at him and tyres to tell him again, but this time I told him I wouldn't see him for a long time, an then he started crying too. There we were, the two if us sitting I'm the floor together for the last time for a while crying our eyes out.

We were interrupted by a knock on the door. I said come in and a teenage guy, about 18 or 19, walks in. He took one look at my brother and me and asked us" What's wrong? Are you okay?" I treys explaining to him that Trey was getting adopted, I only told him that cause I thought he was a new guy her with a horrible situation. Boy was I wrong.

He looked at me and told me " I know he's getting adopted, I'm the one who's adopting him." I gave him a blank stare. That was until he interrupted my thoughts. " Why were you crying though?" I explained to this guy that Trey was my brother and I didn't want to loose anyone else, cause he was all I had. He looked at me with sympathy and then said "I'm so sorry, I had no clue. When I asked Ms.Stacey if he had any siblings, she said no." I turned to look at him and replied back "Go figure. She would only say that so that he would be gone and she could only beat me more." I covered my mouth really fast. I vang believe that really just slipped. The mystery teen looked at me with big eyes and asked "Is thy how you got that big red mark on the side of your face?" I didn't know what he was talking about until I bolted to the bathroom. Sure enough there was a big red mark on the side of my face were Ms.Stacey slapped me earlier.

The guy walked into the bathroom with Trey following and asked if I was ok. I just stood in front of the mirror looking at my self. Not saying one word I wales to our room and finished packing Treys stuff and put it by the door. The guy an Trey walked in. Now that I think of it, I never asked his name. "Hey I forgot to ask, but what's your name?" "Cameron, and yours?" " Grace." I looked over and smiled at him. He looked really deep in thought until he smiled really big and bolted up and yelled he would be back, while running down the stairs. Smart.

After a while, Cameron came back he had an even bigger smile on his face if that was possible. But this time he came back with like 9 other boys. why? I have no clue. Cameron introduced them to me " Grace I would like for you to meet Nash, Hayes, Carter, Matt, Shawn, and Jack J. And Jack G." "Nice to meet you guys." Cameron looked from me to Trey and then back to me. "Grace, pack your bags cause I'm adopting Trey AND you." "REALLY?!?!" "Yes now hurry and pack. Hahaha."

I packed all that I had, which contains 3 whole outfits, an extra pair of shoes, and my tooth brush an hair brush. I got finished and walked up to the guys and told the I was finishe. They looked really shocked. Nash was the first to say something. "That's all you have?" "Yup." The Jacks spoke up and said at the same time "I feel a shopping spree coming soon!!!" We all laughed and Hayes decided to grab my bags and Matt grabbed Treys. I looked over at Hayes and smiled and told him thank you. He just looked at me and smiled back. Cameron lead out to the car, but before I left I said my "goodbyes". I Walked up to Ms.Stacey and told her the cold hearted truth then walked away. Incase you're wondering what I said, I just called a no good B*tch and that I hope to never see her again. All the guys laughed including Cam or "Dad". Trey just laughed cause he just didn't understand . And this is my story of getting adopted by Cameron Dallas.

AN: okay so this is technically my 2nd story but I'm gonna call it my first, cause I'm deleting the other one. But please leave comments of what you think.❤️❤️❤️

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