~ The apostle of Gods who doesn't know self-esteem~ Chapter 1

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His consciousness is slowly getting back. The lights that come through the window is so bright. While feeling the lights too bright, A gorgeous ceiling come into his view.

[I don't recognize these ceiling.](Kazuya)

While spitting the usual phrase, He wakes his sluggish body, then He sees his surrounding. His thinking that the bed he sleeps in is way bigger than he ever had in his life, even the furniture designs with a good sense.A chandelier that hanging in the ceiling and the light that comes in from the window through the gap in the curtain.

[After all of that, I can’t believe I am still alive after what happens. But, where is this hospital? I don’t recognize such a gorgeous place. What kind of treatment is this?](Kazuya)

When looking around the room, something moving around the corner of his bed. When he takes a good look, that person is sleeping with the body on the bed while sitting in a chair, suddenly woken up. It seems like a cute girl wearing maid clothes. The two of them didn’t move after they face each other. And suddenly tears are flowing from the girl’s eyes.

[CAIN-SAMAAAAA!!](Girl with maid clothes)

Suddenly, She jumps to Kazuya. Even though he didn’t understand a single thing, he kept her head in his chest while the girl still crying.

[I am so glad. you didn’t wake up for a whole week you know?](Girl with maid clothes)

Just saying one thing, She hugs Him stronger.

[What are you so sudden!](Kazuya)

He moves his body wildly to be released from the hug, but his opponent is too big, so He can’t do anything about that.

[Wait a minute, why am I smaller than before? And why is it a maid not a nurse?](Kazuya)

Still wondering he moves his hand and he saw it. There’s no way it is the hands of a high school boy you can only see it as infant’s hands. While absentmindedly watch his hands, the maid suddenly got up.

[I will inform the Mistress!](Girl with maid clothes)

The girl wearing maid clothes hurriedly open the door and run out of the room.

[What is happening to me?](Kazuya)

He tries to grasp and confirm his hand function.

[At that time, I was stabbed by someone who left from the convenience store, I met Manami, then my consciousness was gone…. Is this hospital? Before that, wasn’t she called me Cain?, Even though I am Kazuya.](Kazuya)

While he tries to rearrange his mind, he hears hurried sound comes from the corridor and the door is open.

[Cain, You have woke up aren’t you! You suddenly have a fever and you have lost consciousness for a full week. I have been so worried about you.] (Woman)

The women who come through the door has a beautiful silver hair extended to the waist and look around twenty. Her style is so good with her dress. He kinda excited because he doesn’t usually see something like this. Then, the woman suddenly hugs him while crying happily in tears. His face got embrace with something soft. He felt kinda embarrassed.

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