01 | scent

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Danielle's POV.

Finally, we're in Vancouver. I thought. I still didn't know why Luna (my inner wolf) wanted to go to Vancouver so badly. ''Our packhouse is in Vancouver so at least we have a place to stay.'' I heard Luna saying in my head. Wolfs communicate with their humans through their mind, but can also hear what you're saying out loud. ''I guess, but I still don't get why we're here, we were doing fine in Los Angeles, weren't we?'' I replied.

''Yes, i'm sorry, Dani. I don't even know myself what's wrong.'' Luna said. Can't deny that Luna has been on edge ever since we turned 20, which was 3 days ago.

''Maybe it has to do with the fact that we just turned 20? Do you think we'll find our mate?'' I asked. Luna is a very special wolf. We're white wolves and white wolves are very rare. I was born under a full moon, so maybe that has to do with me being a white wolf. My mother and grandmother are also white wolves and apparently the white wolf bloodline runs only through our family.

''I don't know, Dani. Let's just get to the packhouse.'' Luna replied. As soon as she said it I started to shift. Shifting is painful, but when you do it more often, you'll get the hang of it. I fell to the ground, hearing my bones crack into pieces until Luna was in full control.

Luna's POV.

I ran to the nearest lake and sat while thinking. ''I thought we were going to the packhouse?'' Danielle said. ''We were, but it's a full moon and the full moon has a certain effect on us.'' I looked down at the water, admiring mine and Danielle's fur. Our beautiful snowy white fur glows under the full moon. Our icy blue eyes shined, more than it does on normal nights. ''I still don't get how my human eyes are white and your wolf eyes are ice blue.'' Danielle interruped while I was admiring our fur. ''I don't know it either, must have to do with the fact that we're white wolves.''

''Maybe...'' Danielle said. ''Wait... do you hear that?'' she added.

I focused on every sound I could hear, and I heard footsteps, not just any footsteps, but they we're from wolves. Rogues. ''Did we mask our scent?'' Danielle asked with panic. She didn't like rogues, they give her the heebie-jeebies. Only very rare wolves can mask their scent, ordinary wolves don't have that kind of power. Must have something to do with us being white wolves. ''Yes, we have. Don't worry Dani, they won't hurt us.'' I reassured her.

The rogue wolves came out of hiding and started to circle me. There were 5 of them, and they looked shocked, they've probably never seen a white wolf before. Not very shocking I guess since there are no other white wolves other than me, my mom and grandmother. I started to growl at the wolves, telling them to back off, but they didn't budge. So I bared my teeth even more and snarled at them as loud as I could. At my snarl 3 of them hesitated and jumped slightly. They ran away. They must have understood that my growl was more powerful than theirs.

Only 2 wolves were left standing, they snarled back. ''Do they really think they can scare us?'' Danielle said. ''I know right, pathetic.'' I replied as I ran to one of the wolves. He was brown, and big, but not as big as me. I ran up to him and scratched him in the stomach which caused him to let out a loud whine. The other wolf was black, not an Alpha, but a normal wolf, he let out a loud growl and jumped on me, pinning me down. He tried to bite me in the neck but I rolled him over and was now on top of him. I bit his neck and twisted it, he was dead. The other brown wolf got scared, but that didn't stop him from attacking me and punshed me in the stomach. It hurts a lot, but not a lot to take me down. I lunged at him with as much strenght as I could muster. He managed to maneuver me so that I was now under him, but that didn't stop me from getting a few good scratches in. After a few attempts I finally got him off of me by crunching my hind legs up by his chest and dragging my claws down as far south as they would go. He rolled off me screaming in pain, and I wasted no time in running away as fast as I could to the pack house. ''Are you okay Luna? Are you hurt?'' Danielle asked concerned. The most beautiful thing about having a wolf and human is that they always worry about you.

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