Mind Over Matter

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Ailyn finds a girl she thought was the only one. She calls it love when it reality it's just her trying to find someone who can love her. You think this is the only person in the world , when your being blinded from the real world with other greatest and or better people in it that

Can actually bring joy in your life.

Ailyn thinks she can only be happy with maribelle. All her friends know she's treating her like shit , but they still supported her. All they wanted is to see her happy.

Everything changed

One day this girl messaged me , asking what's wrong because I had , had the worst day.

I never expected to end up falling in love , when in reality it didn't even feel like falling.

She was trying to conversate , but I was just sending dry messages.

We talked more than me and my girlfriend did , I felt special because this girl would stay up all night just to talk with me.

Maribelle was this one girl that you could talk to and feel like "the happiest person on earth , but she was also that girl that would be mad at you for the littlest things , or not talk to you at all and you would just cry & cry 😭😭💔

As time passes Ailyn gets happier because she's going to have a month with maribelle.

( her longest relationship yet )

But me and maribelle started getting into problems like the usual.

We fight , we break up , we get back together.

That's basically how it went for 4 months. 🔫😒

The week before they had a month together maribelle broke up with me.

I was so mad I said to my self

" I'm not going to deal with your bullshit anymore , I'm going to get over you and find someone better because you know what I'm done I'm tired of you always hurting me


I was talking to that one girl that made me feel special and she was telling me

" tell her you love her , try to get her back "

I sighed and replied back

" look I've already tried , I'm not going back to her ever again. "

She supported me. 😌

Before any of this she's been wanting to tell me something!

She always messaged me saying

" I need to tell you something D: "

I'd be like okay then tell me.

She would change the subject or she would say she can't tell me through Facebook.

My birthday past and I remember that day clearly because I wanted to hang out with maribelle but she was acting rude and didn't talk to me or want to be with me. I looked bad in front of a lot of people.

As I was walking to class I bumped in to the girl. I was like

" hey it's my birthday , what'd you get me " 😂😉😜

She's like I got you candy , but I ate it.

That made me laugh. I have to admit it felt good because that was the first I laughed through out the day. She made my day. 😌 I told her to go to class but instead she dropped me off to my class.

After school all my friends came to me with posters and sang happy birthday to me from the top of their lungs. Then the whole school started singing along.

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