Dreaming Of The Unexplained.

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Am I going crazy , or is this normal.

I'm getting these crazy dreams , idk if I should even be having these.😳😳😨

_ I've been having good days , but then all of a sudden I started getting sad , and mad for the stupidest things. I wanna cry for every little thing. I get ticked off pretty quick and easily now. When I started feeling that way I started having nightmares ._.

Not your average night mares with monsters scaring you. No nightmares as in people trying to kill me and my family. All this started about a week ago , and since then every night that's the only type of dream I've been having. At first I just ignored it , thinking it was just a dream. But it started happening more than before.

I keep hearing someone call out my name. I feel like someone is tapping me to get my attention. I see weird things that I'm sure I shouldn't be seeing.

Maybe it's just me.

Maybe it's just my mind playing tricks with me.

Maybe my imagination just got stronger and more powerful.

Maybe I'm just going crazy.

Hopefully I find out a rational explanation for what's happening.

I feel like my anxiety has gotten worst along with everything else.

I almost had an anxiety attack thank god I almost know how to control it.

Then I felt like I almost had a heart attack , I feel like I'm dying.

I have these really horrid pains on my body area. They hurt so bad , but I just ignore it.

I get really bad migraines , but I say nothing.

My body is constantly twitching even more lately.

I had a dream I was being kidnapped , I was scared for my life. I couldn't escape I tried but I just kept coming back. I didn't know what to do.

I've been scared to sleep because I'm scared to have even more nightmares.

I'm scared they might come true.

I don't want to die , I know that was my choice back then , but the past is in the past.

I don't want to anymore. Now that my life is getting better when I thought it couldn't it is!! 😭😌

Maybe my brain is trying to send me hints through dreams. I don't know if they're warning or maybe it's the things I say that make me dream of that.

Idk idk idk idk I'm really confused and scared.

Scared to have another anxiety attack.

Afraid that maybe I am going to have a serious heart attack and die. I DONT WANT TO DIE!! 😩😫😫


I'm stressing out on a lot! It's not healthy especially for my age. D:

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2014 ⏰

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