1 | take his kingdom first

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We lived in a world where social hierarchies existed, they were almost impossible to escape. There was always the king, queen, their royal council and the subjects. The problem wasn't the hierarchy, it was the people at the top of the said hierarchy and the way they used their power. Maidstone Boarding school didn't fail to inherit this curse on society.

Above all the regal positions, there existed the god, who possessed more influence than the king and queen combined, that position was granted to the student body president.

"Thank you, Nevin, for that amazing speech, could we get another round of applause?" Mr Gregory announced, beaming with pride.

A wave of applause followed shortly after. By the seemingly genuine smile painted across most of the student's faces, Emerson could only imagine how they would react to her speech. With a roll of her eyes, she dismissed the discouraging thought.

"Now, We have Emerson Elias." Mr Gregory said into the microphone in a less bubbly tone. His adoration for Nevin wouldn't let him give Emerson unbiased enthusiasm. As he stepped down from the podium, constrained by the mannerism of teachers, he gave Emerson that artificial, supportive adult smile most students begrudged.

With the confidence of a sailor, she proceeded forward. Granted, she could feel butterflies in her stomach, Emerson gazed daringly at the cluster of grey and white uniforms. Mutter and chatter drifted in the air, which was evidence of how little people cared for what she wanted to say.

"Good day everyone, I'm Emerson Elias." She said.

Although her voice bounced off every corner in the room, the chatter resumed, much louder in fact.

"Shut up boneheads!" She was tempted to bark, instead, the rational part of her settled with, "Good day everyone, I'm Emerson and I have something to say."

Persuaded by the spell of curiosity, the chatter seized while heads turned.

With a satisfied smiled, she continued. "I know more than half of you think that I have no chance of winning against Nevin Alexakis. Which is fine, I understand the post of the student body president is a popularity contest. However, I don't want to waste my time or your time, so please listen." She declared.

"I'm not this bossy I swear." Her comment earned a few chuckles.

"Anyways, I'd like to start off by thanking the teacher's council and you guys for taking time out of your day to be here. Now, I'm not here to make empty promises to you about how I'll maintain order, keep the peace and other boring stuff like that. Why? Because they've already been done." Emerson peaked a glance at the teacher's council. The stoic expression smeared across their faces made her stomach churn, yet, she continued.

"My main goal to achieve when I am voted into office is to suppress every form of bullying. I am well aware that bullying is an inevitable part of the world, however, who says we have to take part in it? Honestly, I've never understood why anyone would want to make someone feel less than they are. What do gain from it? A boost in confidence perhaps?"

"It's okay that some people feel like their better than others, which might be true, no harm done. However, when these people use their vanity to oppress others is when a line has to be drawn. My point being, I'm not running for this post to fulfil an unofficial battle of kings and queens, no, I simply want to make a change. My objective is idealistic, some may say impossible, nonetheless, I believe trying and failing is way better than not trying at all."

She took a dramatic pause to let her viewpoint sink in. Hungry for approval, she scanned the crowd of students. The high and ever mighty Regals showed off radiant scowls, their obvious disdain wafted through the air, attempting to poison her train of thought. On a happier note, the less intimidating students seemed genuinely interested in the crap she was sure she'd spewed out.

Emerson continued her long ass speech with the assurance that at least one breakfast deprived student was listening. "Some ideas I would love to introduce when I win, are more ways to generate school funds. We could organize fundraisers like bake sales and school dramas. Also, we could arrange movie nights, where we will charge money for tickets. They are all one hundred per cent voluntary," she said in a reassuring tone.

"Then, for my main goal which is to suppress bullying, a monthly seminar will be organized to educate students and the faculty on the effects of bullying. Disciplinary actions will be drawn up for students who are caught bullying. We have to take cautionary actions before things spiral out of control. Who knows? Maybe a student might be plotting an extravagant revenge plan for all her bullies. Anyways, those are a few ideas I would love to introduce. "

"Some of you may not agree with anything I've said, which is understandable. Many people are used to our stereotypical private boarding school ways: mostly those who benefit from it, however, I know we do not have to settle for oligarchy; the ruling of a few. Democracy is much needed, so I intend to make that happen. Thank you," she concluded.

Before Emerson could step off the podium, the resounding disharmony of hands jamming together dominated the hall. To her surprise, some of the teachers in the council gave her a standing ovation. Her lips stretched into a grateful smile as she retreated to her seat, the claps still as loud as Nevin's jealousy, slowly calmed as Mr Gregory stepped onto the podium.

"That was a great speech Emerson, wonderfully said, A tremendous amount of runoffs, yet, still beautifully done." Mr Gregory turned to face Emerson with a fake ass grin. She could only share a similarly fake smile. He faced the students and proceeded to blab about school announcements.

Sitting beside Emerson was Nevin Alexakis, Maidstone's very own king. Crowned for his strong jaw, flawless skin and enigmatic smirk, Nevin Alexakis was shaped into a tall shell
of empty emotions.

"I know you're doing this for the wrong reasons Emerson. The likes of you do not deserve to hold a position like this," he said through gritted teeth. Nevin glared at Emerson with his ferocious olive eyes, an attempt to intimidate her.

"You're delirious if you still think you can intimidate me. It's laughable that you don't know what I'm capable of," she said, glaring back at him with just enough intensity to make him look away.

"And yes, I'm doing this for all the wrong reasons, you just happen to be one of them."

Author's note

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