2 | take his crown next

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"Thank you for choosing me as your student body president. It is a great honour and I intend to use my time here wisely. Once again, thank you, I hope I'll be able to put my plans into action with no obstructions."

Emerson heard a chuckle from behind her. It was happy and mocking at the same time. The laugh was paired with snots and exaggerated movement, similar to a dying donkey.

"You know, you actually have to win first before giving a thank you speech," Kamsi said as she recovered from her perceived laughing seizure.

Emerson scoffed whilst glaring at Kamsi through their bedroom mirror. Kamsi Eze was Emerson's roommate, unfortunately for her, Kamsi was blessed with a tongue sharper than a knife. When they first met, Kamsi asked Emerson if she was a vampire because she looked very pale, then proceeded to sleep with her Bible by her chest for at least two weeks. Needless to say, Emerson used to despise her. However, as time passed and her confidence grew, she learnt to adapt to Kamsi's passive aggressive comments by either ignoring them or throwing her fair amount of shade. In summary, they were best friends now.

"It's for when I win idiot." Emerson walked to her bed then she laid down.

"I like your confidence, I might need to borrow it for my thank you speech as well," Kamsi said. The scent of her arrogance invading the whole room.

"You don't get a thank you speech Kammy," Emerson said.

Kamsi rolled her eyes. "I know bitch. Your confidence made me delusional for a moment."

"You're so mean to me, that aside, I'm happy you ran for vice president. We will rule this school together and crush all our enemies to the ground. Then we will feed their bones to rabid wolves." Emerson clasped her hands together as an evil glint played in her eyes.

Kamsi choked with laughter. "Calm down Voldemort."

Emerson sat up, facing Kamsi, who was still chuckling. "I hate you."

"Stop lying Emmy. Now let's go to the morning assembly, we need to be overzealous by being there before anyone." Kamsi declared. Rising up from her bed, she pulled Emerson's lazy ass to the door.

"Ugh, I don't want to," Emerson groaned.

"Don't you want to be the first to see Nevin cry like the little bitch he is when he loses?"

"You had me at little bitch."


There were four true Regals in total. Nevin Alexakis, the literal Greek god. Casper Alvey the humorous knight. Cassandra Alvey, the evil queen and Lana Jenkins, the flower princess. All four ruled the school with dry tongues and darkened souls. Predictably, they all ran for positions. It was ideal that the four most influential students of Maidstone boarding school, filled the most important positions. A reason Emerson needed to win. So the minority had a representative on the inside.

All the students were gathered in the auditorium with their eyes wide open and their ears pinned to the back of their heads, waiting in anticipation for the announcement of the leaders of their school.

Mr Gregory tapped on the mic before he spoke. "Good morning everyone. Today I will be announcing who your leaders will be. I will quickly run through the contestants for each post in case your small teenage brains have forgotten," he smiled while the auditorium resounded with groans.

"For student council which can only be occupied by two students, we have Casper Alvey and Lana Jenkins. Vice student body president which can only be occupied by one student, we have Cassandra Alvey and Kamsi Eze. Lastly, for student body president, which can only be occupied by one student, we have Nevin Alexakis and Emerson Elias."

"Once your name is called please step forward," He announced, looking back at the six students lined up behind him.

"Lana and Casper. You are both members of the student council."

They both stepped forward with their pride hanging off their shoulders as the crowd applauded.

Emerson held Kamsi's hand to brace for impact.

Mr Gregory cleared his throat. "There has been an adjustment made. For exemplary behaviour and exquisite grades, Nevin Alexakis has been appointed by the teacher's council as your new vice student body president."

Emerson and Kamsi both shared looks of confusion.

"For compensation of the students who ran for this position, a subsidiary position has been made. The senator, who is to assist both the president and vice president." Mr Gregory stated with a firm voice that allowed no opposition.

"Your new Senator is Kamsi Eze."

As both Kamsi and Nevin stepped forward, Emerson could feel her heart fighting to escape the claustrophobic space of her ribs. The crowd although confused as she was, clapped robotically.

She glanced at Nevin out of curiosity. She wondered how he felt, he had lost originally, but was compensated for 'exemplary behaviour'. Although it was indeed a great loss, Emerson was suffocated by the confidence he projected.

Mr Gregory continued. "The student body president of Maidstone boarding school is Emerson Elias," he said in a disappointed tone.

Emerson wore a smug ass smile as she stepped forward. Basking in the glory of the applause, she stood beside Kamsi with pride.

"I think I see a tear," Kamsi whispered.

Emerson chuckled lightly as she turned to take a peek at Nevin's face. Unsurprisingly, she found all four of the Regals glaring daggers at Kamsi and her instead. Before she could blow them kisses, Mr Gregory called her forward to give a thank you speech.

She stepped unto the podium. "Thank you for choosing me as your student body president. It is a great honour and I intend to use my time here wisely." She shared a grateful smile before she turned to her rivals. "And I'll make sure everyone gets what they deserve."


Author's note

I literally can't feel my fingers. Thank you for reading, don't forget to vote.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2021 ⏰

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