Chapter 6:

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The rest of the day passes by quickly until I get to Mr. Grier's class.

"Is this seat taken?" I look up from my desk to see Jack pointing to the seat next to me.

"It is now." I reply with a smile. He smiles back and sits down. About half way through the class, I realize I don't understand any of this. I tap on Jack's shoulder. He turns to look at me

"Can you explain this? I don't understand it at all." I ask. He nods and starts to explain how the trigonometric equation works.

"Wow, you really are smart." I exclaim sounding surprised.

"Thanks?" He laughs awkwardly. "How about Saturday?" Jack asks. I tilt my head in confusion. "For the date?"

"Oh. Yeah, that's perfect!" I respond a little too excited. He seems super happy that I said yes.

"Dress casual." He informs me. I nod.

"Ms. Lorena, Mr. Avery. Is there something you would like to share with the class?" Mr. Grier asks us.

"No sir. I'm sorry." I reply looking down. A few seconds later, a note is being placed in front of me. I unfold the piece of paper, to see that it read 'Wow. You went down with a fight. XD'. I look over to Jack smirking.

'Well, I don't want to get in trouble, do I?' I refolded it and passed it back to him. We basically did that the whole class, until it was time to leave. I walk out the door, to Zach's truck, where he is leaning against the tire.

"Ayeeeee!" I yell, pointing out at him.

"Ayeeeee!" He replies doing the same. "You ready to party tonight?"

"Yassss! Do you want to pick me up? Or do you want to just drive me to my house so I can get my stuff?" I ask him.

"Let's just get your stuff. You can get ready at my house." He decides.

"Alright. Let's go!" I smile at him. He smiles back at me and starts the truck. The whole ride to my house, we just talked about life and stuff like that. We pulled up in my driveway, and I started to get out noticing that he was getting out along with me. "What are you doing?" I ask, giving him a 'wtf' look.

"I'm coming in with you. Duh." He says, scrunching is eyebrows in confusion. "I don't want what happened last time to happen again." I roll my eyes and get out. We walk inside my house and up the never-ending stairway. I push open my door and beeline over to my closet while Zach collapses on my bed.

I choose my outfit. Which is white-washed jean shorts, my Nirvana crop top, a black and white checkered flannel and my brick-red combat boots. I grab an extra backpack and put my hair curler and make-up in it. "You ready?" I ask, but I get no response. He must have fallen asleep. I decide to put some of my shaving cream in my hand and smack him. He jolts up with an innocent look on his face, but then lays back down. I am cracking up over in the corner of my bedroom. "Are you awake now?" I ask through the laughs.

"Yes!" He hissed. "What was that for?!"

"You wouldn't wake up. I had to do something." I say innocently. "How else was I supposed to wake you up?"

"I don't know! Maybe 'Hey Zach! Wake up'!" He yells. I'm on the floor laughing again. Most people intimidate me when they yell, but I know Zach would never hurt me. He walks into my bathroom to grab a towel for his face. "This isn't over!" He says in all seriousness as he appears in my bedroom again. I stand up wiping the tears off of my face.

"Are you ready to go?" I ask, catching my breath from laughing so much. He looks out of my bedroom door and looks horrified. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder, with my bag in his other hand, and walks out the door. "What are you doing?" I giggle. No response. Whatever. He puts me in the passenger seat and shuts the door. He walks over to the other side, gets in and starts to drive. I could tell something was wrong, but Zach was trying to hide it, so I didn't question it. We pull up in his driveway and get out of the truck. Nobody is home, so it's just going to be us two.  

Stockholm Syndrome: A Why Don't We storyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя