chapter two

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Doekit found herself in the fresh kill pile. She was now old enough to eat regular food. She searched for a good mouse. "Found one!" She squeaked. She tore it apart. Before she could eat any of it Hopepaw came out of the apprentice den. "Oh hi!!!" She squeaked. "Um....hi?" Doekit couldn't handle Hopepaw's enthusiasm. Doekit paddled away before Hopepaw annoyed her to the point of death. Echokit lay in the sun by sun rock. "Hi Echokit..." Echokit turned around to face Doekit. "Hi Doekit! What are you doing over here??" She asked. "Hopepaw is annoying me." Echokit looked at Doekit angrily, "Hopepaw's my SISTER! She ISN'T annoying!!!" Doekit stepped back. Echokit stood up, "Talk about her like that again and I'll slit your throat!!" Echokit shouted. "Well anyway, goodbye!" She said happily and walked off. Doekit looked confused. Moonkit and Lionkit walked up to Doekit. "Hi guys!" Doekit exclaimed. "Hi!!!!" Moonkit and Lionkit shouted. Their mother, Ravenheart, poked her head out of the nursery. "Shhhhhh." She said. Lionkit paddled to her. "Can we go play in the camp?!" She asked. "Make sure you get a warrior to watch you. Get Willowfur." Ravenheart said. The four kits paddled off. Doekit stopped at said,"aren't we gonna get Willowfur to watch us? She's over there." She pointed over to the fresh kill pile. "Nah," Moonkit and Lionkit said together. "We're going to be on our own." Hopepaw paddled over. "Hey guys, can I come?" She asked. Before anyone else could say anything Echokit said, "sure". They paddled over past the border. They stopped when they smelled a fox.

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