Chapter 4 {Hoseok}

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It had been a week since Yoongi and Namjoon had talked in the leaders studio, the morning after the talk, Yoongi was awoken by their Maknae shaking him awake to partake in a group meeting, the meeting was pretty short and namjoon literally just spilled his feelings of sadness to the rest of them, of course they were super nice and comforted and cuddled him and made sure he knew it was okay to feel that way.

The week after that had passed fast and today, After their morning bonding (and makeout) session (of course again without Yoongi) they departed towards the company building, all seven of them were walking and chatting, well five of them were chatting, Yoongi and hoseok were silently walking, Yoongi had his usual blank expression on and hoseok his famous sunshine smile even though Yoongi could tell it wasn't as happy as usually since it didn't quite reach the dancers eyes.

When they arrived at the company building they all went their separate ways as today was for them to perfect things they weren't quite perfect enough to please everyone, so Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung went to vocal lessons, Hoseok helped Jin and Namjoon with the Choreography, well he helped Jin the most since namjoon had run off to go over searching for a therapist with management before returning to his hyungs.

Yoongi though, well he didn't even have a choice on what to do since Dak-ho had assigned him to finish songs, go over melodies, smooth out any mistakes he found in pretty much every song and so on and so forth, well the manager had also scheduled for him to come to a meeting with him, Yoongi already knew this meant punishment for, well he didn't know what he was going to be punished for today he didn't want to think about what he had done wrong now if he was honest.

2:30 am - Bighit Company Building

Yoongi was walking down The long corridor leading away from his studio it was quite late but, he had needed to finish the damn songs tonight if he didn't want a repeat of his 'Lunch Break' which was the equivalent of hell, with Dak-ho grabbing him, shoving him into the big fancy office he owned and completely breaking Yoongi until he was battered in bruises from head to toe.

At one point when Yoongi had lost consciousness after a particularly hard blow to the side of the head he later awoke with a start to Dak-ho unbuckling his pants, to his luck he was fast enough to scramble away earning more curses and swears from his personal nightmare called Dak-ho.

He was glad to have some spare clothes in his studio, and even more glad when he realized it was a black turtle neck with long sleeves and black unripped jeans, so after throwing the clothing on he began to work on his music again, which leads us to now.

He was passing the dance studio, already completely exhausted and done when the light shining from the room caught his eye, hoseok was still going at it, Yoongi wasn't even that surprised, he had noticed the younger staying late to practice these past days, he had also noticed how hoseok became fidgety every time he got a move wrong or was just slightly behind, which didn't happen all that often maybe once or twice this week.

Even tough his body screamed at him to just go home and let hoseok regret his actions his mind told him to go and bring the dancer home, even if he had to drag him, so deciding to ignore his bodily protest he walked into the dance studio and shut the music off without warning, surprising hoseok.

Yoongis POV

Hoseok turned and looked at me in shock then whined „Hyuung I was almost done why'd you shut off the music" god how am i supposed to survive this cuteness, I cleared my throat „Seokie you know it's not good to dance till you drop, even if that is your favorite quote" my voice came out scratchy from the lack of use today but I didn't care, not really.

He grabbed his towel and water bottle and sat down, I positioned myself infront of him and also sat down so I could look into his eyes „I'm sorry Hyung" he spoke quietly „I just want to make sure everything is perfect when we finally perform, I want to prove the people who say that we won't ever make it wrong, I want to prove that I deserve to be part of a already debuted idol group".

Ahh he's still thinking about the trainees that came a few days ago, you see we had some trouble with a few of Bighits trainees these days, they came into the practice room and demanded that we leave since we won't be relevant once they debut, luck seemed to be on our side that day since manager Seijin came in and promptly scolded them for even saying things like that.

After that whole debacle hoseok was cornered by them and told that he didn't deserve his place in Bangtan.

„Seokie you know that isn't true just look at the situation right now, you're working harder than any of us to perfect the choreography and you even helped Jin and namjoon get it right, you were even able to get me to be able to dance, you deserve your place here, we probably wouldn't even have debuted without you to help us" I said and gently stroked through his hair I didn't wanna see hoseok beat himself up over this trivial thing.

Says you who does it all the same

Shut up would ya I'm trying to comfort him here

Yeah I can see that you're bad at it yaknow

Yeah I know

„... Thanks Hyung" shit I didn't listen to what hoseok said panicking I just answered with „it's okay Hoseokie it's what Hyung is for after all" and smiled at him, it was horribly fake but I hope it convinced him, to my relief he smiled back.

Yeah I remember now why I have six boyfriends

Six boyfriends who hate you

Yeah but six non the less

3rd POV

„Now c'mon we don't need a tired lead dancer tomorrow" Yoongi said as e helped the younger gather his things and together they made their way back to the dorms.

Back at the dorms Yoongi shoved hoseok into the shower and went to make the younger some dinner, sure it was hella late but he wanted to make hoseok feel validated so he made some soup and brought it up to hoseok and Namjoons shared room where the dancer was sitting with only a towel on, hesitating for only a second he stepped in and placed the bowl of hot soup on Hoseoks nightstand before giving the younger a kiss on the forehead and a soft „goodnight" before leaving the room again.

Yoongi went to the bathroom and took off his shirt, his back and arms were blooming in shades of yellow, green, Blue, purple and even black, he looked at his reflection and sighed, yeah he was ugly, compared to say Jin's handsome face and Jungkooks tiny waist he was ugly and fat, at least in his eyes.

In reality Yoongi had become really thin you could see his ribs when he stretched and you could count the bones in his spine by just looking at him hunching over or something like that, his skin was also flawless he wasn't ugly or fat, he was beautiful and way too skinny but he couldn't see it, and his members didn't see anything wrong with him.... at least not yet.

He grabbed his blades and began to cut his flesh again the day was horrible and that word described perfectly how Yoongi felt, about pretty much everything, being left out, being a bad dancer, being beaten, everything in Yoongis life could be described at horrible right now, well everything but the fact that he had six idol boyfriends, but he doubted they would tolerate him in their relationship for much longer.

After finishing in the bathroom he ventured back to his room to try and get some sleep, so when he saw Jin asleep in the other bed he slipped into bed as quietly as possible and slipped into a slightly happier place in his dreams, wishing he'd never wake up again.

Yep I'm on time, I've decided to label the chapters from now on with the names of the boys because it's easier for me to keep track that way, anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll see you in the next one my lovely bonbons
-Liyra 💜🍬

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